it's been 3 days and i'm already falling hard for this boy. i looked into his eyes and saw that his eyes were dark brown. i leaned in and so did he , soon i felt his lips on mine. i parted my lips and our lips moved in sync. his lips were soft and so was the kiss. it wasn't aggressive or rough. it felt right. it felt as if we were the only one in the entire world. i move my position and i was now siting in a straddling position. we made out for about 5 minutes. we both pulled apart and just stared each other in the eye.

at this moment , he meant the world to me. if i could go anywhere , i would choose where hector would be.

" so , do you want to eat for lunch , or do you just want to stay here with me ? " hector asked , breaking the silence.
" can we just stay here ? i want to spend time with you and i'm pretty sure we will be busy after school. " i said as i sat beside him and laid my head on his shoulder.
" okay , what do you want to talk about ? " he asked me.
" i'm not sure but are we going to sleep in the new house today or tomorrow ? " i asked. i was starting to feel glad that we were moving. which meant that hector and i will be able to hang out in private more.
" is today fine with you ? " he asks as he looks at me.
" yupp , we at least can get things done within a day. " i said.

we continue talking till lunch break was over. we had the same class so both of us walked together. i never really knew that me and hector almost had all our classes together. as we were walking to class , he grabbed my hand and held it. i brought his hand up to my lips and kissed it. he did the same and smiled at me.

we entered the class. i looked around for adnrea and stiles. they waved at me but i realised that the seat next to them was taken. fortunately , the seats in front of them were available. hector and i walked to the table and sat down. i was seating in between hector and some boy.

" hey ! i'm alejandro. how about you ? " the tanned boy asked.
" ouh , hey ! i'm taithlynn. " i replied to him. 
" are you the girl that hector always talks about ? " he asks. wait , he knows hector ? wait did he just say hector talks about me.
" i'm not sure but how do you know hector ? " i asked him with a confused look on my face.
" i'm friends with him. it's fine. i guess he hasn't really introduced us to you. " he explains.
" ouh okay.  you seem nice. " as i was talking to alejandro , i felt someone's hand on my thigh. obviously it was hectors.

" dude ? we're in class. " i said to him.
" ouh , we're in class ? ouh i didn't realise. since you were practically flirting with alejandro. " he said as he rolled his eyes.  ouh god. not this again , please.
" hector , i was being friendly. and isn't he your friend ? " i asked. i turned to alejandro adman saw that he was paying attention to what was being taught.
" you're being too friendly. " he said.
" ouh my god hector. literally not even 30 mins ago , i told you how i felt about you. you really think i will be flirting with boys when i obviously have feelings for you ? " i said , almost shouting. i was so tired of arguing everyday. and it's always about the same thing.
" okay , i'm sorry bebe. " he says as he grabs my thigh. i wasn't in the mood so i moved his hands off my thigh.
" taithlynn , i said i'm sorry. " he says as he realised that i was upset.
" i know but i'm just upset right now. so give me a moment to cool down , okay ? " i said in a serious tone.

throughout the entire lesson , i didn't talk to him. if i needed help with the work , i would ask alejandro , stiles or andrea. i could sense that he was getting jealous as i was talking to other people instead of him.

after class ended , i walked out of the class and went into the bathroom. i heard someone call me but i didn't turn around.
i just went into the bathroom as i needed some time away from hector so that i can cool down.

" taith ? " i heard andrea call me.
" yes ? " i replied.
" are you okay ? " she asks me as she takes a seat next to me.
" i don't know , andrea. i truly like hector , a lot. i really do. but he confuses me a lot. he keeps getting mad when i talk to boys. it doesn't matter what the conversation was about. he'll just get mad. then he'll apologise and say it wont happen again. but it does. "
" taithlynn , that dude freaking loves you. i understand where you are coming from but if you saw hector , talking to another girl. it seems like they are flirting. will you be jealous ? " damm , i never really thought about that. but yes , i would be jealous. i mean , look at hector. i'm pretty sure many girls would have a crush on him.
"yea , i would. i get it now. thank you andrea. " i said as i hugged her. she always makes sure that i do the right thing and she'll be here for me , no matter what.
" anyways , so how are you and stiles ? " i asked.
" he asked me out on a date. but , i'll tell you all about it later. hector is waiting for you , hurry and go ! " she says as she nudges me.

i walked out of the bathroom. i saw him talking to stiles in front of my locker. i didn't know they were cool with each other. i headed in their direction.

" hey , do you want to go now ? " i asked hector.
" uh , yea sure. bye stiles. " he says as he waves to stiles.
" bye stiles. tell me everything later. " i said to stiles before hugging him.

" hey , i wanted to say sorry. i understand that you want to be friends with my friends too. you mean everything to me and it makes me really guilty when i make you upset. i'm really sorry. " he says to me as we were walking to his car.
" it's okay , bebe. i understand how you feel. i guess i would be jealous too if you were talking to a girl. so i'm sorry too , okay ? " i said while stopping to look at him.
" okay , bebe. awh , it's so cute when you call me bebe. you should call me that often. " he said while smiling cheekily. 

we continued to walk to the car and we headed home. when we got home , we rested for awhile and took a bath. after resting for 1 hour , we started packing. surprisingly , we did not have much to pack and we were done in 2 hours.

we placed the boxes in hector's car. we had the key to the house as mrs diaz had placed them on the kitchen counter. we told her that we were moving in the house today and she wished us luck and hope that we love the house.

we headed to my house first as there were couple of things i didn't take when i moved into hector's house. it was a 15 minutes drive but we still had our normal routine of singing out loud in the car.  we got to my house and i saw my parents after not seeing them for like what 3 days ? i gave them a hug and told them that i missed them. after talking to them , i quickly grabbed my things and said goodbye to them.

during the car ride , hector placed his hands on my thigh and was rubbing it.
" dude , get your crusty hands off me. " i said jokingly.
" my hands aren't crusty. " he says as he pouts.
" fine. " i said as i grabbed his hands and held it.
" did i ever tell you that you look so cute ? " he blurted out. i blushed a little and my heart fluttered when he said that.
" i don't think so but guess what ? " i said.
" what ? "
" i find you cute too " i said before kissing his hands.

before we knew it , we were in the driveway of our new home. it was big but it was really beautiful.

damm , this is another step. moving in with hector in our own home.

author's note

hey guys ! i don't really have anything to say-
ouh yea , i will be adding the new jersey boys into this story.
they will be taithlynn's best friends , uk ?
okay i'm spoiling it.
but i hope u liked this chapter.
its a little cringy but i was really out of ideas.
orite , that is it. adios amigos !!

word count : 2228

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