Untitled Part 6

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The next day, Vishwamitra was going to leave for Mithila via the eastern sea. He wanted to meet Sita before leaving.

He found her riding ponies with Urmila.

"Akka stop! you are going too fast! i can't keep up with you" Urmila kept shouting.

Sita chose to ignore her sister and was riding in circles, smiling gleefully.

She suddenly came to a halt noticing the presence of her guru.

"Namaste Guruji" said Sita, getting down her pony quickly. 

Urmila followed suit.

" I have come to tell the princesses that I will have to leave to Mithila in some time now" Vishwamitra said looking at his students fondly.

"but you just came!" Urmila protested.

Vishwamitra laughed," 'just came'? I have been here for two months my child. I have to tend to my responsibilities in Mithila." 

Sita knew her guru was not from the south of narmada. She knew he came only about twice a year and inspected their training closely. She wanted to know what he did for the rest of the yar. Since no adult had asked him, she chose to avoid the question. But now she couldn't contain her curiosity anymore.

"What do you do in Mithila Guruji? Do you teach more students there? why do you spend more time with your students there?" Sita asked.

Vishwamitra wanted the conversation to take the exact same turn.

He kneeled down, held sita by her shoulders and said," well you can say I have responsibilities to fulfill there also Sita."

"what makes the responsibility there bigger than the one you have here?"

"why do you think so sita?"

"Because you spend more time there."

" No Sita, I have a bigger duty to fulfill here. I make sure to visit Tamilakam as frequently as possible because I have more important work here."

Sita was confused. "what is that guru ji?"

"you" Vishwamitra said and noticed the little girl tilt her head slightly and look at him, puzzled.


Vishwamitra remained silent. The only sound heard was that of Urmila's pony neighing as she was playing with it.

"Sita what do you think of your future?" Vishwamitra asked, looking deep into Sita's eyes.

Urmila suddenly said loudly," Didi will be queen. Big Queen.!" That's what she heard a lot of people say about her akka's future. 

Sita was silent for sometime. Vishwamitra tapped Urmila on the cheek and waited for Sita to give an answer.

" I dont know about the future Guru ji. All i know is that I have to handle today with care and dedication. If I do so the tomorrow will fall into place. Mata Gargi tells me that being found by the King and Queen can not just be a co incidence; that I have some purpose. I know that for me to be worthy of that purpose I have to take care of my present Guru Ji. That's all." Sita said.

Sita go to know she was adopted two years ago, just when she was nine. Mata Gargi her guru in philosophy had told her. Sita didnt throw a tantrum. Instead she went upto her parents crying, and thanked them! This composure in a kid was one of the first instances where Viswamitra knew she was not an ordinary child. 

He was stunned yet again to see Sita talk about her being found by her parents without hesitation. He got up and said " Well said Sita. Well said."

He placed his hands on both the girl's heads and blessed them.


Vishwamitra got on to the ship that was going to take him to Mithila.

The king had himself come to send the great rishi off.

Once they were ready to leave Vishwamitra turned towards Janak from the deck, folded his hands in a namaste with a faint smile painted on his lips.

Janak bowed low to the rishi and nodded his head as he met eyes.

His eyes followed the ship sailing off. His mind was clouded with thoughts about Sita. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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