We will call her Sita

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Tamilakam is a magnificent empire located in the southern part of India. Inhabited by the dravidian people, it is synonymous with knowledge, wealth and courage. Tamilakam  houses famous sangam academies of poets and scholars. The land was blessed by the heavens in every way. It  was surrounded by seas in all the three directions, had dense forests and mighty rivers originating from the west . During the monsoon heavy rains poured throughout Tamilakam making its land extremely fertile for agriculture. The land was so productive that the city of thanjavur where maximum rice cultivation took place was called the rice bowl of India. Architecture, literature,, dance and music flourished in the Grand temples of this overwhelming country. 

A land as great as this can only thrive and shine in its full glory when ruled by able rulers. Many awe inspiring families and dynasties have ruled this nation. When one declines the other takes over, not forgetting their foremost duty: to serve this land that they call home. 

Now, the empire is being run by one of the most important people in india-Maharaja Janakan.

In his youth he was just like any prince, who learnt the  art of war fare, garnered knowledge in the fields of science, commerce and all the other skills that required him to be become an able administrator one day.He learnt to sharpen his mind more than his sword. He could defend himself well enough when it was needed but fighting in a battlefield was not his cup of tea. Economy, commerce, science were the topics of his forte. There was none to beat him there.

Queen Sunaina. She joined the tamilakam army as part of the elite women force. She worked her way up to the post of the  force's general and also to the heart of prince janakan. Soon after their marriage, Janakan was crowned the emperor of tamilakam and sunaina the empress. She took care of the military and defence of the nation. Under her able guidance, tamilakam's army was not to  be taken lightly at all. 

The empress and the emperor together were making  this nation a force to be reckoned with. They together tried to be worthy of Tamilakam. 

Janakan and sunaina were married for three years now. Janakan and sunaina were riding back to their palace from a short trip to one of the check dams that was being built in the outskirts of the capital city of sangamtamil. It's called so because the sangam or academies of poets or scholars were centred mainly  in and around the capital. 

It was just beginning to get dark , the evening lightly illuminated by the waxing moon. Just then they heard the loud cry of a small baby.

"stop the chariot!" janakan ordered the soldier riding them.

"did you hear that too" sunaina asked.

"yes sunaina! the cry of a baby..."

another loud cry. This time it was almost like the baby was in immense pain and was asking for help.

"janak! there!" sunaina said pointing towards a tree at the edge of the dusty road. A crow was hovering around a little bundle from where the cries were heard.

sunaina immediately jumped out of the chariot and ran towards the tree, followed by janakan right behind her. The ugly bird flew away seeing its uninvited guests.

"oh thank god nothing has happened to the baby" sunaina said as fresh tears escaped her eyes. She was told by  doctors that she would not be able to conceive whatsoever. Even though the king loved her the same, she felt a strange sense of guilt for not being able to give this country of hers a heir. Seeing this beautiful little girl child, she felt as if the gods had answered her prayers.

Janakan could very well understand his wife. Moreover the sight of the little baby , now sleeping in sunaina's arms reinforced what he and his wife wanted. 

"she is lovely" janakan whispered "she is not meant to be here, let's take her home"

sunaina looked at janakan, her eyes still wet with tears.

"usually the mother breaks the news to the father but this time it's the other way around" janak said smiling fondly at the baby and his wife."you are going to be a mother and the little one is our daughter."

sunaina couldn't speak, not now ,she was too overwhelmed. 

she is a mother. this is her daughter.

she still managed to ask him"what should we call her?" her voice still thick.

"hmmm..." janakan looked lovingly at his new daughter and then at sunaina

"the rig veda speaks of the earth goddess who is the reason for all prosperity and gives nothing but true blessings. this little princess is a goddess in disguise."

sunaina looked at her husband eagerly waiting for the name

"the earth goddess from the rigveda is called sita. we will call our daughter Sita."

sunaina repeated the word as if saying it would erase all her sorrows, all her guilt.

she smiled as she wiped the tears from her eyes and repeated,"sita."

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