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Daily Poem Challenge

Day 35

May 25, 2020

Theme: History (Differentiating the love now and before)

Propounded by: Zhyra Mie


I have grown to forget the excitement,
The fear, the thrill each time we ran away.
And it was hide and seek we used to play
With our parents who didn't want us to meet.

In my previous life I had sung you songs,
You fell for me and with my words in inks.
It was in history with broken links,
And unpleasant screaming sounded by gongs.

With the slight traces of the distant past.
Series of unsung songs and untold words,
Series of distorted musical chords.
Today I have become one with the dust.

My affection, unspoken, turned to bytes.
Esteem crumbling, words are fading to whites.

UNREAL: A DAILY POEM CHALLENGEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن