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Daily Poem Challenge

Day 27

May 17, 2020

Theme: Self Forgiveness

Propounded by: Rosel


I recount those days I have done something,
Something unforgivable, a wrongdoing.
A mistake that always bugs my conscience;
Sin that started from loss of innocence.
It is just like a wound that never heals,
Or an intolerable pain that kills.
I would blame myself for my own downfall,
And I criticize myself and look small.
I'm a disappointment, a useless fool,
Who never learns as I always act cool,
Or was always trying to act cool. Now,
I question myself with a lot of how.
As how can I teach my mind to believe?
How would I open my heart to forgive?
I am hoping to find that remedy;
Medicine that would cease this tragedy.

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