15 - top bunk

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My phone goes off a consecutive 30 times so I grudgingly pick it up and check my messages.


chat: May

Peter I'm sorry
I'm so sorry Peter
Please come home
I can't lose you too
I didn't mean to
Please come home


chat: the crew

Peter, we're sorry
We didn't mean to upset you

Peter? Hello?



Kid, pick up the phone
We just wanted to make sure you were okay

I told you that you shouldn't have invaded his privacy
If you'd have just listened

Not now steve
Peter, pick up the phone

science man
Are you okay? We can talk if you need to
I know you feel hurt
We didn't mean for it to happen like this

Peter, please
We need you to respond


chat: May

Get home
Right now
I couldn't care less where you're at, you're gonna get your ass home right now
That bottle's not gonna miss next time
I'm sorry
Peter please
I need you to come home


Before I even realize it, I'm sobbing uncontrollably as Ned grabs the phone from out of my hand. He shuts it off and drops it down into my backpack, right on top of my Spider-Man suit.

Ned picks the bag up and sets it on the other side of the room. He points at it angrily, "We don't need to worry about anything in that bag right now."

I wipe my tears on my sleeve again and climb the tiny ladder to my bunk on top. Flopping onto my back, I take a deep breath as I stare up at the ceiling. "Thank you, Ned." I murmur after a quiet minute.

"Anytime, Peter." I don't have to see his face to know he's smiling. The light flicks off and I'm left in darkness. From where I'm at, I can see my backpack continuously lighting up from notifications. Thank god Ned turned the ringer off.

__Nat's POV__

Why isn't he replying? Is he okay? Is he hurt again?

"How do we find him?" I ask immediately, crossing my arms. All the Avengers are gathered in the living room.

"Woah, woah, woah—" Steve throws his hands up. "I say we give him space. He feels hurt, Nat. We broke his trust."

"But we didn't mean to!" Bucky argues, waving his hands around wildly. "We hacked it to make sure Peter stayed safe! Not to make him feel like we didn't trust him with our secret!"

Bruce sighs heavily, "Either way, we invaded his privacy. We have to give him time to recover from that before we can explain ourselves."

The room goes silent. "What do you think happened with his aunt? She sounded angry." Tony asks from his spot on the couch.

"She did." Bucky concedes, leaning forwards on his knees in deep thought.

I sigh, squatting down onto the couch with the rest of the team. "Peter did say she drinks a lot."

"Yeah, but he said she hadn't drank anything tonight." Tony denies while glancing from one Avenger to the next.

Bucky shrugs, "Who's to say she didn't start drinking after that?"

We all go quiet. Secretly, we all wished we would've kept listening after Peter hung up on me. Bruce shut off the hack after Peter found out, for fear of hurting him more. But who knows what happened to the kid?

I can only hope that he's safe in his bed at home. This poor kid has been through so much and it kills me that we just threw even more at him. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Each of the Avengers split off to go sulk somewhere else, while I stay seated on the couch, head in my hands. "Nat?" Clint pipes up from beside me.

"Yeah?" I sigh heavily without looking up.

"He's gonna be okay." My best friend ensures, laying a comforting hand on my back. "I know he will."

"How do you know that? How could you possibly know that?" I snap in return, my eyes shooting a quick glare at him. He's taken aback by my aggressive tone but I can visibly see him let it go only a moment later. "I'm sorry, Clint. You didn't deserve that."

"It's okay." He smiles at me kindly.

That's the thing I love about Clint—he gets me. He knows where I came from and I know that no matter what I do or where I go, he's still gonna be right by my side. People come and go, but a best friend is like a rock that doesn't let the river of life sweep you away.

True friends never leave. Even when they're driving you nuts and all you wanna do is let go and drown in that crazy river, they stay strong for you.

I can only hope that Peter has someone like that—someone who's gonna make sure he's okay tonight. A rock that's gonna hold him in place.

I can only hope.



sorry for the hecka late update!

here are the results for the ship vote! I took track of every last comment 😭😂 thanks for voting!

(disclaimer before you vote: I deeply apologize if certain people won't like what the final results will be 😭 I would write every fanfic with every ship if I could! I love them all.

if we get clintasha, I just want you to know that I love the friendship between the two and I think shipping them might ruin that :( I would personally prefer to write a spideychelle or stucky, so please keep that in mind while you decide my fate 👀)

(drum roll please!)

top 3 (not in order):




vote on the ship by commenting on it! thanks!

-bottle of honey

How'd You Get This Number? // mamaspiderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang