The Next Morning

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Phillip woke up on the couch and looked around. He at first freaked out until he realized that he was at Yuliy's house. He looked around and saw himself on the couch, while Yuliy laid on the floor, still unconscious. Phillip smiled and started to clean everything from the previous night. He quietly cleaned everything and it took about 10 minutes to out everything away  and about 5 to start the laundry.

Phillip finished cleaning so he decided to make some breakfast for the both of them when Yuliy wakes up. He made toast, eggs, bacon, and some coffee . He was still tired but continued to make breakfast. His eyelids felt like weights. His vision kept getting blurry and sometimes even shaky. He splashed cold water on his face and jumped around a little bit. He continued to make breakfast since it was close to being done. He was getting to the point to where he can just sit there waiting for the bacon to be done. He stood in the middle of the room and felt arms around him. He tensed up but felt more comfortable when he heard the person speak

"Hey. Thank you for last night. You didn't even know me you just helped me anyway. Thank you so much Phillip. Also, you made really didn't have to do that." Yuliy gave a tired smile and laid his head in the crook of Phillips neck. Phillip smiled and said

"No problem. I wanted to make sure you were okay. You are okay for now right?" Phillip turned around and you could see his smile turn into a serious face and Yuliy smiled and nodded. "Good, by the way. Here's my number in case you ever want to talk about anything. Anything. I should probably get to work, you can come if you want."

Yuliy smiled and rushed to get ready.


What is up my dudes and dudettes? I also had this chapter ready, but I didn't post it for some reason. I'll hopefully have another up soon. BUHHHHHH BYYYEEEEEEE!!!

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