Seventh set of dares

220 7 12

Author: Hello I am still alive

Aiko: That was a close call with Kamukura. You're really testing your luck

Author: But I am the Ultimate Multiverse traveler I should be fine!

Ryoba: Wait if that's your talent and we got scouted....

Aiko: Kamukura has it

Author: Oh fu-

Aiko: Moving on to first Dare Sayaka and Ibuki need to have a collab

Sayaka: Oh.... I don't think our music genres mix well

Ibuki: Yeah... Ibuki doesn't wanna play pop anymore not after Ibuki's old band mates tried to force her to be more like them and fit their interests

Author: Then it's okay

Ibuki: Ibuki appreciates the dare though!

Ryoba: Arent we suppose to punish those who refuse to do the dare?

Author: You and I both know none of us could execute Ibuki

Ryoba: True true

Aiko: Next up is for Kazuichi and Nagito

Nagito: Huh? I really don't deserve the attention I've been getting


Author: Yeah well you have to fake a marriage with Nagito

Kazuichi: WHAT!?!

Nagito: *shocked to silence*

Aiko: And if you don't do the dare Kazuichi we'll execute Sonia, your family and those closest to you while having you watch

Kazuichi: I-I-I.....

Nagito: I don't have any loved ones for you to execute....

Author: Oh you don't have to do anything really

Ryoba: Just play along

Nagito: Oh okay

Aiko: Also about the loved ones thing are yah sure?

Nagito: Well..... there might be SOMEONE I'm close to.....

Author: *whispers* gay

Ryoba: Have fun!

Kazuichi: q-q

(Class 77)

Gundham: It seems Kazuichi has returned from his meeting with the immortals from the multiverse!

Sonia: Is there something wrong?

Kazuichi: I have an announcement

Nagito: *enters room with bagels that the three multiverse girls have him*

Mahiru: What is it? Man up and say it already!

Hiyoko: Or are you too much of a coward to say it?

Kazuichi: ...... *sharp inhale* IM MARRIED TO NAGITO *lifts hand and shows ring that the multiverse girls gave him*

Class 77: *shooketh*

Nagito: *lifts hand to show provided ring as well*

Hiyoko: Wait you were with Nekomaru when Nagito was tied up are you into that stuff?

Kazuichi: Huh?

Hiyoko: What kinky shit do you to idiots do!?!

Ibuki: No way! No way! Kazuichi is also a member of the LGBT!?! Ibuki is not alone in the class!

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