Chapter 10: The Darkness After Turned Into Light?

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The school was for the most part very quiet, news of the Weasley Potter break up spread like a wildfire. Within the first week, he had 4 younger girls ask him out. After rejecting all of them people finally got the idea to leave him alone. Ginny seemed to be doing fine. Harry was not.

He could barely focus in class, Dumbledore had told him to a week or two off and hadn't summoned him. McGonagall had called him into her office to have a discussion about the break up and even Snape had been kinder to him. However Ron and Hermione had kept their distance and Harry found himself completely alone.

After silent breakfasts, he would go out to a courtyard or to the lake. He'd sit there and stare off, not really thinking of anything. He knew he should feel sad, depressed even. Instead he felt nothing, completely void of any emotions. Occasionally he would feel something, he would feel anger.

One such morning, Harry sat on the shoreline of the lake staring out at nothing. That morning, he had skipped breakfast entirely. It was Saturday and he had no plans. A few couples had come down to the lake for alone time, like him and Ginny had done many times. Seeing these couples be so happy made him sick with anger. The last thing he wanted was a reminder of him and Ginny.

At this moment he was glaring at two hufflepuffs standing at a tree near the lake. The blonde of the pair was leaning against the tree and smiling up at the taller brunette. It made him so angry.

"Would you quit wallowing, Potter?"


Lyra had spent the better half of the morning studying. She had decided to go for a walk along the lake before lunch to clear her mind before returning to her studies in the afternoon. There was something so peaceful about the lake in October. The leaves had turned orange or brown and were falling. The lake's water cooled and the giant squid began to prepare for the frost of winter. The castle looked beautiful during the autumn. More beautiful than in the winter Lyra believed.

Though Lyra knew that it was less than a week the first snowfall would come and destroy the beauty of autumn. Lyra knew to enjoy the beauty while it still lasted.

Lyra remembered that the next day was Halloween, she had been so distracted with everything going she had forgotten. She was excited for the festivities. During her afternoons with Hermione, she had learned of the muggle traditions. They had even decided to have a costume party of their own the afternoon before the feast. Lyra was looking forward to it.

Once she reached the lake, she noticed a familiar silhouette. The silhouette of the chosen one who had had his heartbroken. She had decided that she would go talk to him, to try and cheer him up.

She walked up to him and said, ""Would you quit wallowing, Potter?""

Harry looked up at her, surprised. Lyra sat down next to him and leaned back, "Seriously Potter. The entire school is so torn up over your break up it's almost unbearable."

"Why do you care Malfoy?" Harry growled, looking toward the lake, "I thought unbearable was your thing."

Lyra looked at him, "Believe it or not I do care. You're not fun to bully when you're depressed."

"Like you've done much bullying recently," Harry said.

Lyra scoffed and laid down looking at the sky, "Well I haven't had the best time recently myself either."

"Oh yeah, you and Parkinson split up recently," Harry murmured and laid back.

Lyra rolled her eyes, "Well everyone knows her and Blaize have been boning for weeks now."

"At least I have the reassurance that Ginny wasn't cheating on me," Harry smiled, looking at a cloud shaped like a flower.

Lyra started laughing. Harry looked over scared, this was the first time he had ever heard Malfoy laugh not cruelly. He stuttered, "What?"

"Sorry," Lyra laughed, wiping the tears from her eyes, "It's just, how would've thought that we would be complaining about our exes?"

Harry started laughing too, "I guess I can see the humor in that. Ginny would do this thing where she'd get mad but would refuse to tell me why she was mad. Then she would try to get me to guess why she was mad, which I never could, so she'd ignore me. By the time she was done, she wouldn't even tell me why."

Lyra laughed, "Pansy would do the same thing! Not only that but when she felt I wasn't giving her enough attention, she'd try to make me jealous by getting touchy with one of the other guys. Why are girls like that?"

Harry and Lyra both laugh, they make eye contact. It only made them laugh harder. Both of them were surprised by how comfortable they feel. Lyra sighed.

"So," Harry looked at Lyra, studying her face, "Are the rumors true?"


Harry looked away for a second, "You know, that you and Hermione are a... thing?"

"Hermione and I?" Lyra was disgusted by the implication that someone who she felt was like a sister to her as her girlfriend, "Heavens no!"

Harry swallowed, "Oh well it's just, you know people have been talking. I mean people have seen you two together and I guess jumped to conclusions but I mean that doesn't mean those are true. But you did call her Hermione and not the m word or Granger so that counts for something I guess. I'll just shut up now."

Lyra stared at Harry, "God Potter! Can't I just be friends with someone and I've apologized for calling her such a horrid slur. Besides I'm not even into girls."

Harry stared at her, Lyra's eyes widened. Her stomach dropped, her brain repeated a multitude of expletives. How could she have let that slip? What was he going to do? What questions is he going to ask?

"Are you gay?" Harry asked tentatively. Lyra's silence gave Harry the answer to that question.

"Oh my god..."

"Potter, I swear if you so much as start a rumor about that I will... I will... I don't even know but it'll be bad!"

"I won't tell anyone. I'm just... surprised is all. Is that why you and Hermione are friends?"

"Part of it."

"Part of it?"

"I don't have to explain. Just stop being so mopey and depressed, all of the time!"

With that Lyra stood up and walked back to the castle.


Harry watched as Draco Malfoy walked away. He was stunned. Draco Malfoy was gay? Was there a possibility of him being gay for? No, Harry couldn't think like that. Not when, well everything had happened so soon, how much pain had been so recent.

Still Harry was shocked that the one person who could finally put a smile on his face was someone who he hated. Maybe he didn't hate him after all.

Thank you so much for reading and all your kind words! I hope quarantine is treating you well! I'm having a bit of a hard time but writing this has made me genuinely happy! I'm so happy that you guys like it so much!

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⏰ Última actualización: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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