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Dempsey; "Where the hell's the Juggernog at?"

Sal; "Like if I would know!"

Dempsey; "I wasn't asking you"

Billy; "Ah, shit...not this again..."

Finn; "Alright, I'm out. I don't want to hear them"

Weasel; *Puts headphones on and listens to "Abracadavre"


Nikolai; "Here we go. This fucking argument with these two!"

Richtofen; "Maybe I'll just leave now?"

Billy; *Stares at Sal and Dempsey* *Mutters* "Who the fuck even invited that fuck-head, Dempsey? Yellin' at Sal....what a fuckin' asshole"

Takeo; *Chillin'*

Billy; "How is it that you just don't give a fuck about them arguing?"

Takeo; "I get used to it"

Weasel; *Glances over at Sal and Dempsey* "This would be a good drawing 😏"

Billy; "Whaddya mean?.....Waiiiit......Smartass!"

Weasel; "You know what I'm saying!? 😝"

Billy and Weasel; *Talking over each other in agreement*

Takeo and Nikolai; "🙁"

Richtofen; "I'm not even processing this... there's two arguments, but one is a fighting argument and the other is a hood argument....🧐"

Takeo; "Obviously, you could see it RIGHT in front of your eyes"

Nikolai; "Dumbass..."

Richtofen; *CoNfUsIoN* "I'm right anyways, it's two different arguments"

Takeo and Nikolai;

Author Chan/Me; "QUICK DISCLAIMER! This was requested to me by my cousin -.- So if it's not funny, just go ahead and tell me da truth :'3"

Mob of the Dead (MEMES EDITION UwU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora