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Gensokyo was... an interesting place. You had simply been walking around an empty park at night when the world around you changed into a forest. Before you knew it, you were in front of a mansion with no explanation whatsoever.

Now, you were working in the mansion as a butler in training under the supervision of Sakuya Izayoi, the head maid. Her training method was extremely tough. Any mistake and you'll get a danmaku knife stuck in your body, causing excruciating pain. If she wasn't so hostile, you'd take a chance at trying to date her but... she's way too scary.

"(Y/N), since when were you allowed to slack off?"

You froze at the cold, uncaring voice behind you. Your hands shake as you hear her footsteps coming ever closer. You tried to explain, "Head maid, I was just examining my work."

You hoped she would believe you, but it was hopeless. A moment later, a knife was stuck on the back of your head and you black out.

It was now morning. The chirping of birds could be heard outside as you drowsily got up, stretching your joints. If this keeps up you'll be living the most of your life knocked out from pain. You got up and... huh... someone took off your clothes and put them neatly on a desk. First time this happened, but it was probably Sakuya.

You get dressed and opened the door. Speak of the devil! It was Sakuya. You let out a loud squeak in shock, "Head maid?!"

"Yes, and don't yell in my face again. The mistress wants to know our progress. You know the rules, follow me," Sakuya turned around and walked away. You quickly move to follow behind her as you fixed your bowtie. You were a but messy but... what? You notice that your clothes were suddenly perfectly done. You take a look at Sakuya, but she didn't even acknowledge it.

You both reach the main hall where Remilia was sitting down and drinking blood wine. You follow Sakuya's lead and bow.

"Mistress, we're here."

"I know. How have you been doing recently, (Y/N)?" Remilia asked in a bored tone.

"Mistress, I've been doing fine. Sakuya's a great instructor and I've learned a great deal about working here," you reply politely. You could feel Remilia's gaze penetrating your soul.

"Yes... Sakuya is the ideal teacher for learning servitude. However, how is his progress, Sakuya? We wouldn't want anyone useless in our staff, now would we?"

Outside, Meiling sneezed while sleeping.

"Of course, Mistress. (Y/N) has been doing exceedingly well. He's quick to learn and much better than most of the fairy maids we have."

"I see, then you may carry on. And (Y/N)? Don't disappoint me. I assure you that great fortune comes to those who are useful to me. If you happen to be a hinderance, then you will have to disappear."

You shiver at her words and nod.

"Good, now go on," Remilia waved you away.

"Let's go," Sakuya lead you out of the hall and you both began doing daily chores. Well, mostly you. Sakuya just stood there and told you what you were doing wrong.

At the end of the day, you didn't zone out or do anything that made her knife you. God, your body was so sore from all the moving around and carrying buckets of water.

"You did great today, (Y/N)," Sakuya praised. You can see her smile a bit. It wasn't anything sadistic, but a real smile. "Perhaps a reward is in order. I need to keep you going, don't I?"

As you ponder what she was talking about, you felt pressure on your lips, like someone had just kissed you. You let out your confusion and came to a realization. Was it Sakuya? You stared at her in awe, because it was the last thing you would expect from her.

"Apologies. I can't do it face to face, but do know that I have come to care about you in our days together," Sakuya then disappeared from view.

You gently touch your lips, still shocked at her actions. If this was your reward, then you'd work damn hard to get another one!

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