Holy Water Part 1

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 Aziraphale looked at the paper in his hands. Sunderland Children's Hospital. The paper had instructions for his next assignment, from above. He found it in his bookshop this morning waiting for him. It seemed a little odd for the instruction to be on a paper rather than Gabriel appearing and giving it orally, but Heaven had been changing the way they had been doing things.

Aziraphale sighed. He didn't mind the assignment. A Children's Hospital seemed like an easy assignment, but he had plans next week. Crowley and he had been planning to meet up and exchange assignments. It appears he got his assignment earlier than usual. He better tell Crowley.

He dialed Crowley's number. It rang a couple times before Crowley picked up. "Hello."

"Hi, It's me. We need to talk."

"I know it's you. About what?"

"3 o'clock at the park. I'll be feeding the ducks."

"I'll see you then." The line went dead.


Aziraphale sat on the bench, some ducks waddling around on the ground near him. Crowley sauntered up and sat next to him. Looking like he didn't have a care in the world, and the infernal sunglasses on his face.

"What's up?"

"This is." He handed Crowley the paper, with his assignment written on it. "I got my assignment early."

Crowley read the paper. "Sunderland? That hospital up in Durham?"

"Yeah. Gonna be gone for a little while. So, I'll miss our next meetup."

"Unless I come with you. I've got nothing better to do."

"You don't need to do that." Aziraphale looked at Crowley, the hint of hope lighting his face. "It's a long way from your comfortable flat."

"Meh, I could use a vacation." Crowley shrugged. "Wouldn't mind checking out the hospital. I could give you a lift up there."

"That would really be too much. I couldn't ask that of you." Aziraphale looked sheepish.

"It's no trouble really. Could probably get a few temptations done while I'm up there. To brag about, ya know." Crowley stood, and looked expectantly at Aziraphale. "Can't have you taking the bus, not when there is a perfectly good Bentley to ride in."

Aziraphale chuckled lightly and followed Crowley to his car. "I guess I can't say no, if you are heading in the general direction." He shot Crowley a look. "Though try to stay within a reasonable speed this time."

Crowley laughed and sped away, at 85 miles per hour in downtown London.


They made it to Durham in record time. Aziraphale was certain they would discorporate at least several times during the trip. Crowley seemed to barely notice how pale the angel was when he finally slowed the car to a more reasonable speed inside the city.

"What kind of place am I looking for? Crowley asked, as he scanned the buildings.

"It's a children's hospital. I don't know what it looks like." Now that Aziraphale could breathe easy, he looked at the shops they passed. "Ooh that looks like a lovely little cafe. We should stop for dinner before we get there. I'm famished."

"We don't have time for that, angel." Crowley said, as he eyed the restaurants they passed. "After we find the place, maybe we can stop."

"Oh, but I'm so famished after the near-death experience that is your so-called driving. It will be my treat."

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