{The Dance Of Years Gone By} Chapter 4

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As the group finally got into the magic shop they were escorted down a flight of long stairs to a row of cells.

"This is it... Third cell down. When you're done asking for what you need to be done come back upstairs and we'll settle the issue of payment." The wizard walked back upstairs and Midoriya stepped up and saw a black-haired man handcuffed sitting on the ground. He had a large cut on his face and looked exhausted. Midoriya rushed over quickly

"A-Are you ok?"

"Just tell me what you need magic wise and I'll-"

"No no...We're not here for that. Are you feeling ok?"

"Well...They drugged me so I can't use my magic without asking them first. It's not the best..."

Midoriya sighed and placed his hand on the mans head.

"What are you-"


Green light enveloped the room, and the sorceror felt the drugs effects wear off and the cut on his face completely heal. Meanwhile Todoroki used his fire to melt the cuffs, and free the sorceror.

"That magic..."

The green faded away, and Midoriya had his head hung down completely silent.

"Hey Midoriya?" Kirishima leaned down to see his face which looked exaughsted.

"I-I'm ok...Let's get out of here." He stood up hiding his tiredness.

The sorceror stood up. "Who are all of you and why did you save me?"

Todoroki stepped up and the sorceror realized who he was. "Ah the Todoroki's, Always rescuing me. It's been a long time Shoto."

"It has Aizawa."

There seemed to be some tension between the two and the rest of the group could feel it.

"Uhm...Anyways i think it's nightfall already so we should hurry up and get out of here." Kirishima said awkwardly.

"I've got it." The man stood up and formed a sort of portal. "Step in."

"Why should we trust you?" Bakugo said angrily.

"It's either this or death by magician." Aizawa pointed to the stairs.

"Fine, but if you kill us i'll haunt you forever and make your life living hell."

The group stepped into the portal appearing in front of the house that contained the entrance to the fairy world.

"Why are we at this place?" Bakugo looked at the old rotting house.

Todoroki groaned at hearing Bakugo talk. Out of the house stepped the queen who was dressed in her traditional outfit. A few farries followed her. "My son...I thought i could tell you were here."

Todoroki smiled. "Mother..."

"Who are these other people?"

"This is Bakugo and Kirishima. Izuku saved them and they helped us complete our mission."

"Oh!" She stepped over to Kirishima. "One of the lost race how nice to meet a dragon again." She lightly scratched under Kirishima's chin and he panted like a dog happily.

"HEY! Hand's off lady!" Bakugo grabbed Kirishima. "This is my dragon not yours!"

"Hmm...You both are soul bonded then? How sweet. Where are you both going after this?"

"Dunno probably like a cave somewhere..."

"Well you can stay here for the night these forests are dangerous."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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