chapter 15

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david pov

i wake up to diego's feet right in my face. he was laying on kamia's face. i get and move him slightly off her face. i get out of the bed and walk to the bathroom. i pull my boxers down and start aiming to the toilent. when i was done i pull my pants up and wash my hands when i walk back in the room i notice diego not in the bed but the bedroom door was shut and nobody could have walked out beacuse i would have heard. all the door were shut. maybe im tripping he's probaly under the sheets sleeping i get in the bed and indeed he was under the sheets he looked "BOO" smack he jumps up and im gonna be honest with you i smacked the shit out him i was ready for him to pop up like. the smack woke kamia up "what the whats going on" kamia turn her lamp on i look at diego face. it was red were i must have hit him.

"what the hell happen to your face" kamia asked diego
"noffin" he says lying that is so my kid
"david why is his face red" she asked me looking me in the eye i could see the fury in her eyes.
"he scarred the fuck outta me and i smacked him by accident" i say truthfully i knew that if i lied she would have cut my dick off
"david look at his face" kamia says grabbing him and holding him
"i didnt mean to" i say
she holds him closer to her chest his head laying on her boobs. you wanna know what this kid did he SMIRKED while his head WERE IN MY WIFE'S TITTIES. Little does he know were his head is laying all his deceased sibiling were at.
"david i thing you and diego need some daddy bonding time" kamia says me and diego look at eachother he gave me a damn look
"why" i asked
"beacuse thats your damn child thats why" she says fixing her bonnet. i swear ill take her bonnet off in the middle of the night make her new sew in look traggic.
she lays down with diego on her chest. i lay down and she layes her head on my chest.


yalll im so fucking sorry last monday was my birthday and a bitch was feeling her damn self plus my bday was on haitian flag day and im hatian so my ass was whining my damn waist instead of fucking typing a new chapter for yall this is a short chapter cause a bitch tired but i got some chapters that about to hittin don't worry.

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