Mary-Beth x GN Reader

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No one requested this, but I thought it would be cute, and the pure girl deserves more love! I decided to make reader gender neutral.

You huffed as you walked over to the stew pot, getting yourself a bowl and walking to a nearby fire.
Your head was aching and pounding, exhaustion sinking in.

Why exactly? A job went wrong, you went out on your own and tried robbing a stagecoach.
You had it planned, made sure no one else was around and that the loot was worth the trouble.
Except the fact there was three well trained guards you had no idea would be there.

You had a shoot out and quickly got the loot, but of course, law was on your tail.
By the end of the chase you were sure you'd now have a pretty high bounty, probably worth at least half of the money and items you took.

You carefully went straight back to camp, and now were slumped eating the plain stew. 

You must of looked in discomfort as Mary-Beth walked over worriedly, no book in her hand for once.

You usually spend your days with her, you formed such a deep friendship with her, with friendship came feelings.

She was different to the other girls. She was gentle and soft, considerate of others feelings, tender, a soul that had you wondering often why she stuck with this life, not found a job, settled down somewhere.

It didn't take much to make her come though your mind, you could simply see a hair clip or notebook that'd remind her of you (you'd usually end up buying them for her if you had the money) and thoughts of her would flood you.

She always took time to ask you how you were, how a job went, to teach you how to read thoroughly, and you made it your mission to find her books and stationary, you also gave her ideas sometimes.

"...Hey there!"

You flinched and looked up at her, she was smiling gently at you, a hand on your shoulder.

"You don't look so good..."
"I'm just tired...I got back from a job a while ago"
"A job? I see...I saw you heading out earlier"

You nodded huffing, quickly drinking the rest of the stew.

"Yeah...Didn't go so well"

She nodded and gestured to a tree she sat at when she had a break from work, then looked down at you.

"Why don't you tell me about it?"

You looked up at her and the tree, slowly getting up and putting the dish to be washed, walking over to the tree, she was already sitting against it waiting for you. 

You went to sit next to her but she stopped you and patted her lap, her cheeks dusted slightly red.

"You should relax...lay here?"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I am, silly. C'mere"

You slowly laid, subconsciously letting out a deep breath, your body relaxing quickly.
You relaxed even more when a found its way into your hair, softly stroking around.

You closed your eyes and told her how the job went down, the chat then went into the book she's started reading, to her then beginning to read to you.

You didn't know how to read, both her and Hosea were teaching you, and although Hosea is kind and patient, you obviously preferred her.
She would sometimes read to you, it was relaxing for both sides, and it helped you learn new words.

Her soft voice was luring you to sleep quickly, you were barely even processing what she was saying or what the book was about, other then the fact it was another romance novel.

She stopped reading after a chapter or two, looking down at you with soft eyes, realizing you had fallen asleep.

The sun was giving its last rays of warmth, the smell of grass and flowers swimming in a cool breeze. Distant chatter and laughing barely audible in the background as you slept.

Maybe it wasn't a bad job after all.

I hope this was alright, I wanted to make it longer but I think its better shorter.

Please send requests! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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