Chapter one- The Exposition, As You Do

Start from the beginning

They didn't look like much. Wearing a dark green hoodie and shorts over a black, form-fitting jumpsuit. True to their name, the hood had a pair of bunny ears flopping over it's sides. The only thing that could be considered unordinary about them was the sheer amount of pockets they had. No joke, combining every pocket visible on Rabbit's body, there were enough to make a store full of cargo shorts jealous. And the mask covering a good portion of their face. That was also strange.

To the untrained eye, one may think Rabbit was a skilled hero. But what Eraserhead saw was, at best, an ameteur kid. There was nothing professional about their local-store DIY getup. Shouta has no frame of reference to their combat skills, but surely they were clumsy enough to have landed into this situation. As for the kid part, even standing a good few meters away, Shouta could tell they were tiny. Not just compared to his six-foot-and-towering-over-most-other-people height, but unhealthy small.

By how bony their exposed limbs appeared, it wasn't hard to tell that Rabbit, whoever they were, likely needed medical attention. And a nice meal.

"Oi, kid," Shouta spoke up again, as it was likely the other party didn't hear him the first time. This time though, Rabbit groaned and looked up to where Eraserhead was standing. He moved closer and nudged Rabbit with his foot. "Kid?"

Shouta, obviously, already knew exactly who he was speaking to. Yet, he wanted to play his cards right to see what he could gather from the kid in front of him. A name, an age, quirk status; anything would be nice.

"O-oh! Uh, well, this is embarrassing." A high-pitched, cracking, nervous voice reached Shouta's ears. "You-you're Eraserhead, right? I, uh, I'm sorry about all this. I'm, um, cosplaying? Yeah, that."

Shouta was not impressed. "Kid, listen. You're not fooling anyone here."

Rabbit's head quirked to the side, conveying either confusion or curiosity. "But, uh, there's only the two of us."

"Exactly. What's your name?"

They realized that lying would get them nowhere now. "You guys at the station have been calling me Rabbit, right?" They brought their hand up to their chin in thought before continuing. "Well I guess you weren't that far off. Uh, I prefer to go by Jack Rabbit."

Well. Not a real name, but it's a start. "So, Jack Rabbit-"

"Just Rabbit is fine. Or just Jack. Either is alright, the whole thing is kinda a mouthful but I won't stop you if you think it sounds nice because, I mean, I did pick out the name, it sounded pretty cool at the time," Jack Rabbit continued to mutter about the likeness of their vigilante alias.


"Why do you call me 'kid'? You don't even know how old I am." Jack Rabbit sprung up just to get in Eraserhead's face. "I could be in my thirties, y'know?"

Shouta's remaining energy was being drained by the second being around the lively vigilante. "Yeah, with that voice of yours, I doubt it. You sound like a schoolgirl."

Rabbit was offended by that. It was interesting to see how well they portrayed their emotions whilst their face was not visible.

"I am not a girl!" They— he, did not notice how his voice pitched upwards with that statement.

"Uh huh, so you're just a schoolboy with a deceivingly feminine voice?"

"Uh, well, I mean when you put it that way," he seemed embarrassed and tugged on the left ear of his hood. "Wait- no, I'm not a schoolboy!"

"Right, and I'm All Might," the underground hero sarcastically drawled.

Jack Rabbit let out an exasperated huff. "I'm not lying, you have to attend school to be considered a schoolboy, right?" Shouta was a bit concerned as it was basically confirmed that Jack Rabbit, a wanted vigilante, is young enough to be in school.

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