Chapter 2: "Coffee and Lectures"

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I poured the pitch-black delicousness into my mug. I added my french vanilla creamer, along with a teaspoon of sugar. I heard footsteps by the doorway, and turned to see who it was. It was a sleepy Weiss. She had her hair down, and it was tangled with knots. She yawned and grabbed a mug.

"Thought you would be up already Weissy. Did the ruckus I made wake you?" I held onto my mug with two hands and sipped from the edge.

She sighed. "Not really. Ruby had already woke me up. She thought we had a mission today. I swear, she needs to get her dates checked." She poured the coffee in her own mug and drank half of it.

"We do have a assignment in Dr. Oobleck's class, though." She said nonchalantly.

"What?! He never said anything!" I yelled a little to loud. I covered my own mouth.

She shook her head. "I don't blame you. He talks way to fast. I could barely understand him myself."

"Okay... Well? What's it about?!"

She tapped her chin twice. "A assay on Semblances that have to do with optical illusions. Easy if you ask me. Probably not for you."

"Hey!" I almost dropped my coffee mug.

She laughed awkwardly waving her hands in the air. "Ha! Sorry...!" She placed her empty coffee mug on the table.

"Hurry and get dressed. We're going to be late." She took off to the dorm room.

I sighed. "It's just another day Yang..." I took a swig from my coffee mug and sprinted out.


Professor Oobleck's mouth moved miles per second. It was that fast. I inched my head down on top my book and closed my eyes.

"Miss Xiao Long! What year were Semblances and the use of Aura found?!"

My head sprung up immediately. I wiped my eyes. "Uh... What?"

The class snickered. I blinked at my teammates. Weiss face palmed. Ruby laughed behind her hand. Blake sighed. She scribbled something down on the corner of her paper. "1937"

I stood from my chair. "Uhm! 1937, Sir!"

He speedily ran towards my face. I recoiled, as he squinted in my face.

"Correct. Napping isn't allowed in my class, Miss Xiao Long! Remember that!"

He ran back to his desk and continued to ramble on.

I leaned over to Blake. "Thanks," I whispered.

She nodded her head when the bell rang twice, once for first years, than for second years.  I closed my book slowly and stood from my chair. I pushed it in and-

"Yang." Blake placed her hand on my shoulder, "I need to speak with you."

"Huh!? Oh- okay. Go ahead." The class lingered, still close nearby.

She shook her head. "In private."

"Okay..." I stretched my letters out.

She gripped my hand and lead me out of class.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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