5. A Spark of Jealousy

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Last Chapter: Allie had challenged me and of course I accepted. It's not like I think that she's cute when she's competitive or anything! I started to blush thinking about her, when Damien grabbed my hand, "Who's the slowpoke now?" We both laughed as we finally caught up to them.


Narrator pov.

Do you have someone that annoys you in your life? Or maybe you may have had someone that was? A boy that goes by the name Teddy in this case would be that person. He loved to tease anyone at every chance he got. Teasing them about the littlest things, and all for what? His enjoyment of course. Nothing pleased Teddy more than annoying one of the other cadets. Now that there were two girls going to the academy he had some new plans. Teddy, was also a pervert. Let's just say he has some interesting magazines hidden. Anyway, let's see what's happening. . .


Still Narrator pov.

At the Academy, the Bradley Platoon was in the process of meeting their new leader, one by one. They stood quietly in the corridor outside his office, anxiously awaiting their turn to be called in. Teddy lounged against one wall, affecting an air of supreme boredom. It was very important to him that he appear totally unafraid of this man.

As usual, a few sycophants were gathered around Teddy imitating his attitude of indifference. Just as Teddy was about to make small talk with the other cadets, Violet and Allie had walked into the room. Teddy noticed this and decided to make a move. Let's just say things don't end well with this. . . 

Damien pov.

I looked over and saw Violet and Allie walk into the room. I also happen to notice Teddy walking over to the two. I knew this wan't gonna go well. I could tell Teddy was a pervert just by looking at him, I didn't want Violet associating herself with that kind of guy- or any guys in general, really.

"Oh, Look what we have here.~" I heard Teddy say to the girls. I could tell Violet was uncomfortable, Allie on the other hand looked annoyed. "Move, wise guy." Allie pushed Teddy out of the way, walking into another room that connected to this one. "You coming, sis?" Allie said peaking her head through the door. "I'll catch up to you." Allie nodded and closed the door behind her.

"Hey pretty thing. What's your name?~" I quickly got up and walked over to them. "Her name is  none of your goddamn business." I spat out, hoping he'd get the memo. "Did I ask you, Thorn? Because I don't think I did." I could tell I pissed him off, but I didn't care. Nobody talks to my Violet. Nobody. Before I could say anything Mark had walked out of the Sergeant's office. "Damien, you're next." He said. I walked up to Teddy and smirked, "If I were you I'd leave Violet alone. She's mine and only mine." 

Mark pov.

Damien had walked out of the room, leaving a trail of an awkward atmosphere behind him. Teddy pushed Violet against the wall, getting real close to her. "So, is it true you and Thorn are a thing?" He asked, sounding very pissed off. "Why does it matter to you?" She asked and stomped on his foot. "OW! You little, bitch! You're gonna pay for that!" I had to do something I couldn't let Teddy hurt her. "HEY!" I said in a yelling voice. "Oh, another Thorn." I suddenly punched Teddy in the face, not realizing what I was doing. That was a mistake.


Narrator pov.

Damien stepped out into the corridor in time to see Teddy deliver what was clearly the final blow to poor Mark, who was squirming on the ground, while Teddy's goons had Violet held back. Damien didn't even stop to think. "TEDDY!" It was a voice unlike any other one Damien had used before. It had a depth and a resonance that was terrifying.

Teddy turned around, grinning triumphantly. But as he stared into Damien's cold and penetrating eyes, his grin began to fade. The other cadets fell silent. And then the sound, a clattering, like thin metal rulers being clapped together. Teddy looked round for the source of the noise. No one else seemed to hear it. They were all staring at him. The clattering grew louder until it became clear that it was the sound of large, powerful wings beating in the air- just above Teddy's head.

He whirled around, shrieking "Stop it!" and flailing his arms at something invisible that was attacking his head. The other cadets stared, open-mouthed. Damien seemed to be in a trance. Mark struggled to his feet to see what was happening. Finally, Teddy was lifted up of the ground, as if he was caught in some kind of wind current, and flung up against the wall.

Just then, the door to the Sergeant's office flew open and he stepped out into the hallway. The sudden interruption broke Damien's trance. He shook his head and blinked his eyes. Teddy sat slumped in the corner. The sound had subsided. The other cadets were absolutely still. The Sergeant had pointed for Damien, Mark and Violet to go. He brought Teddy into his office and asked him a series of questions he couldn't answer.

Violet pov.

I looked at Damien cautiously. I didn't understand what had just happened. Damien seemed like he was on the verge of tears and hugged me, I hugged back. "I'm sorry.. I don't know what just happened or what I was doing.." I took his hand into mine. "It's okay, Damien. I believe you." He nodded and looked me in the eyes. His eyes seemed more calm, than before. "I got to go find Allie. See you guys later." I left the two boys alone.

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