part 4

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Anna tries to play cool, but I can hear the excitement in her voice, "Oh hi, I was just trying to check in on your date and let you know that I'm engaged." I can hear Max laughing in the background. As much as I hate that she interrupted what was happening, I can't be upset. This is such a happy moment for both of them and I'm so glad she called me to be a part of it.

"Really, you actually said yes to that loser?" I joke. I look at Miles who's standing in front of me, still visibly excited from our interrupted activities. I look up at him with a frown and mouth a 'sorry.'

He smiles at me and presses a kiss to the top of my head before whispering, "I'll be right back." He exits his room and closes the door behind him. I can't help but admire his body. It's truly beautiful. Not particularly fit, but he's in shape. I can see his abs and his arms are much bigger than they appeared to be. His back looks good as he walks out the door.

Anna laughs, "You're hilarious. But I'm sorry for interrupting your date. I just really needed to tell you and share this moment with you. I know you knew already because the ring was perfect and you would be the only person who could help Max."

I'm starting to return to normal breathing again, "It's okay. I'm glad you called. I'm so happy for you Anna. You really have no idea." I mean every bit of that. She's one of the best people I know and so is Max. They deserve each other and I've been there for their entire relationship. It's so amazing to see it finally move toward the final step. There's so much more to come from this, but I don't have time to think about those changes right now.

"How is your date going?" Anna prys.

I can't help the suggestive inflection in my voice, "Very good."

Anna immediately gasps, "You guys aren't at a bar. It's not loud enough. You're in his apartment. You're out of breath. You're having sex! Oh my god! I can't believe I interrupted that! Why did you let me interrupt that?"

"We didn't even leave the building. We went straight to his apartment and Anna, I don't know what it is, but I like him so much," I sigh slightly concerned with the intensity of my feelings for someone I had a proper conversation with for the first time this morning. I continue, "You just interrupted the opening act. It's dangerously good."

And it's the truth. I don't think I've felt this good without even being naked yet. Miles knows exactly what he's doing and he hasn't even gotten to show me anything special yet honestly. I can already tell I'm going to be addicted to his touch.

Anna shrieks, "Oh my god, stop talking to me! Don't get pregnant. You need to plan my wedding and fit in the maid of honor dress! Bye!" I'm laughing and can't get a word out before she hangs up.

Right on cue, Miles walks back into his room and closes the door behind him. He's holding a bottle of water. I stand up and meet him halfway, taking the bottle out of his hands and unscrewing the top. I take a brief sip, put the cap back on, and then apologize, "I'm so sorry. I just had to take that call. It was a big moment."

I can tell his excitement has faded, but he still has the lust gleaming in his eyes. I didn't want to stop, but I knew I had to. Anna is important and I couldn't miss the moment for some guy. Even if it's Miles, who's proving to me much more than just some guy.

Miles grins, "It's okay. I find it extremely sexy that you care so much for your friend that you paused what we were doing. You're a good person." His arms wrap around my body. I feel his hands moving lower and lower, bringing back the intensity from a few moments ago.

"Oh, it's sexy, huh?" I play along. I drop the water bottle on the floor and reach up for his hair, running my fingers through it. Miles hums against my neck as he reaches behind my thighs and pulls me up to wrap my legs around his waist.

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