part 3

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I take the lime wedge out of my mouth, "I didn't realize you were gonna be at the door." I glance at the clock a few feet from the door and notice he's even a few minutes early. Now that's hot. I like a guy who's on time, or even early.

Miles gives me a little smirk, "You're expecting someone else?"

Right on time, Max walks up behind Miles and gives us a look. Max knows so much about me because not only is Anna my best friend, but Max is by proxy. He basically lives with us so he gets to hear just about everything Anna does. Miles notices his presence and his smirk fades, "Oh hi. I'm Miles."

Max shakes his hand, "Max. The roommate's boyfriend."

Miles whispers, giving Max a pat on the back, "For now." It makes us all laugh. Especially because we all know Anna can't hear us. Honestly, even if she was a few feet away she wouldn't pick up on the joke. She's so oblivious to things that involve her.

"Nice to finally meet you, guy from the elevator," Max raises his eyebrows at me as he definitely exposed me with that comment. Max pushes through us to walk into the apartment.

Miles questions, "guy from the elevator?" He looks at me, suspecting it must be a play at teasing me. I feel my cheeks get warmer. Miles' confidence bleeds through as he leans closer to me and speaks in a low voice, "Ella, is it possible you've been talking about me?"

Somehow those shots didn't take the nerves away. I feel so many tingles everywhere and we are just standing in the doorway of my apartment. I can't imagine being in a bar, forced to have such close proximity, and possible dancing, and more alcohol! It's too much. My head is starting to hurt. I mumble, "I'm going to need a drink. Do you want one?"

I think Miles finds my change of subject amusing and a sign of his affect on me, because he chuckles and follows me into the kitchen staying very close to me. There's one slice of lime left, so I grab the knife to cut it in half, but Miles' hand hovers over mine. "I don't need it, it's fine," Miles doesn't need a fucking lime to chase his tequila? I take back the being on time thing--now this is hot.

I pour out two shots and then grab the salt, "You have to at least do the salt part with me so I know you aren't some psychopath."

Miles rolls his eyes at my comment, but licks his hand and I pour salt on it. We both lick the salt off our hands and then drink it. I can see him wincing a little after I put the lime in my mouth. He leans against the counter and watches me bite down on the lime. There's so much eye contact that it makes the simple act of trying to supress the burn of tequila sexy. My toes are tingling now. I don't know if it's the five shots in less than five minutes or maybe because Miles takes a step toward me. I'm not really sure what's going on--and I won't get to find out.

Anna barges into the kitchen with Max and I swear Miles jumps back like a fifteen year old boy getting caught by the girl's parents. Anna groans, "Oh my god! You've taken five now?"

I nod, still sucking on the lime.

Anna looks at Miles, "Just keep that in mind. She's already had five drinks, so don't let her get too drunk."

He nods at her instructions.

Max speaks now, "Okay, amazing! Now can you two get out so we can enjoy our anniversary?"

I spit out the lime and dispose of it into the cup with the rest of them. Miles grabs my hand, pulling me out the door with him as Anna and Max hover us toward the door. I feel his touch throughout my body. It's overwhelming. I'm so nervous! I don't know what to do while we are walking toward the elevator. He hasn't let go of my hand and I don't want him to. I feel like a schoolgirl when he's around.

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