Chapter Nine

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Dawn Rose finished her tea and stood up as everyone prepared to return to the Sprite Kingdom.

"Well now that we have another two guests we can't fly back." Dawn Rose said as she stretched.

"Well we could maybe ride Kyan." Isaac suggested.

Everyone turned around and gave him a weird look.

"Don't ever say that again." Toro said, patting Isaac's back. "Please."

"But I don't..?" Isaac thought for a second and it clicked, making him get embarrassed. "Oh.... ohhhhhh, whoops."

"I don't mind walking." Nico added. "Walking seems more relaxing than anything else we've done in the last two days."

As they walked the Sprite Kingdom could be seen in the distance and Kyan looked at it.

"I've never seen the Sprite Kingdom before." He said, almost amazed at how different it was.

"Are you still nervous about meeting Queen Ivey?" Dawn Rose asked Kyan, him breaking his gaze with the kingdom and looking down to her.

"Well, she kind of killed my Grandfather, so I'm pretty sure she can kill me. Soooo yeah kinda."

"Oh. Well, I think if you show up with us. Especially Maera, she might hesitate."

"Oh wow. That makes me feel so much better."

They all walked into the palace and Queen Ivey ran to hug Maera.

"Thank Persephone you're alright!" Ivey cheered as she held Maera tightly.
She then turned to Dawn Rose and the boys. "You did great."

She paused when she noticed Kyan standing awkwardly behind everyone else. She slowly walked towards him and he got tense.

"You are the Prince?" She asked curiously.

"Yes. I am Prince Kyan."

He was startled when she hugged him tightly.
"Thank you Prince Kyan, for helping save my sister."

"Oh. It was no problem."

"Sister." Maera sang as she slid over by her and Kyan. "Can he stay?"

Ivey looked at Maera and then to Kyan, then back to Maera. "Are you two..?"

Maera smiled shyly and Ivey cleared her throat. "Right. Um yes, he can stay. He is always welcome. But what of  Dragon's Cove?"

"We could merge the kingdoms!" Dawn Rose chimed in. "I mean, we have a classic Romeo and Juliet thing going. We can combine the two Kingdoms through a marriage of the Prince and Princess!"

"That's a great idea!" The boys agreed.

"Wait... marriage?" Kyan questioned softly, blushing a deep shade of red.

Maera squealed and jumped, hugging Kyan around his neck. "That would he perfect!"

Kyan was at a loss for words as everyone agreed that a wedding was in order.

"We should have it at the springs. Aurora would love to host a wedding." Nico suggested to Queen Ivey.

"Aurora?" She asked curiously.

"She's the leader of the water nymphs just outside the kingdom. They're super awesome!"

Ivey smiled and placed her hand on her chin, as if she were thinking. "Yes, I like that idea. I'll contact Aurora immediately."

Toro patted Kyan on the back as he sat with an look of utter disbelief on his face.
"You okay big guy?"

"I'm getting married." He said, almost unsure if this was all actually happening.

Toro let out a chuckle. "Yeah, you are. But hey, I mean you're in love with her right? So enjoy it."

Kyan got up and inhaled to calm himself down.

"Oh and here!" Toro said growing a rose in his hand and giving it to Kyan. "Give her this. And try not to light the springs on fire."

Dawn Rose flew around and threw flower petals all over the Spring as the nymphs all propped themselves up so they could see.

Queen Ivey and Princess Maera stood before a lovely pair of flowering trees that Toro had grown for the occasion.

"Are you excited Maera?" Ivey said holding her sisters hands in hers.

"I am."

"Hey, get ready!" Nico called out as Dawn Rose landed beside him and Isaac.

Toro came out and stood beside Queen Ivey, taking his place as Kyan's "best man"; as Nico had put it.

Kyan walked to Maera, his heart racing and his face beet red, and handed her the rose.

"We are here today to celebrate not only the Marriage of my dear sister, but to celebrate the coming together of two kingdoms. Two kingdoms who have been at war for far too long, and are finally going to be at peace." Ivey said with a smile as the Water Nymphs watched and cried. "Nico, would you like to do this the human way?"

Nico rushed up to the front and cleared his throat. "Um I'm not certified so, I'm gonna wing it." He laughed.
"Princess Maera,  do you take Kyan as your husband. To have and to hold, and hopefully not kill in his sleep one day."

Maera laughed and smiled "I do."

"And Prince Kyan, do you take Maera to be your wife. To have and to hold, and to spoil absolutely rotten."

"Yeah, get to the point kid, I'm losing my nerve." Kyan almost whispered as he tried to keep it together.

"Well then I Nico, everyone's favorite little human, pronounce you Husband and Wife! You may kiss the bride!"

Kyan looked at Nico with utter betrayal and Maera laughed before grabbing Kyan and kissing him.

Everyone cheered and the water nymphs cried into each other and threw flowers at the new couple.

"Rosie! Toro! We did it!!" Isaac yelled happily as he pulled the two into a hug as they celebrated. Nico jumped in on the hug and they all laughed.

~After the wedding the Dragon and Sprite kingdoms became one and the long war finally ended. Queen Ivey and, now, Dragon Queen Maera set forth diplomatic relations between their kingdoms. And with the help of Kyan they spread peace and diplomacy between all creatures across the land.~

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