Chapter Eight

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"Hey." Toro said quietly catching up to Kyan as they made their way back the way they had came. "Can I ask you something?"


"Why did you help Princess Maera? I mean, you're the Dragon Prince."

"Because it was the right thing to do."

Toro furrowed his brow and stopped. "Hey, put your hands out."

Kyan looked at Toro curiously and then did as Toro had told him.
"What is this about?"

"You'll see." Toro made a flower bud appear in his hands and then placed it into Kyans. "Now, answer me this. Why did you break Princess Maera out?"

"Because it was the right thing to do." Kyan said again, in the same tone as before.

Toro looked down at the flower that was still just a bud.
"Hm, try again."

Kyan crinkled his eyebrows and huffed. "Because she's gorgeous and I wanted to save her."

The flower bloomed and showed off large pink petals, making Toro smirk and laugh to himself.
Kyan looked down at the flower. "What does that mean Toro?"

"It means you told me the truth, and that you're in love with the princess."

Kyan growled a bit, still cupping his hands around the flower. "Say it louder next time won't ya?"

"Guys, I just thought of something." Nico said softly. "How are we going to get past the sirens if none of us can fly?" He said referring to how they were carrying Dawn Rose and Isaac.

"We'll have to be sneaky is all." Maera said with a playful smile.

"I thought I purified the springs though?" Nico asked.

They made it to the edge of the black spring and it was completely pitch black again.

"I guess it already reverted back. The dark magic here is strong." Maera said peering into the darkness ahead.

They all prepared themselves as they entered, unable to see a thing.

"I can't see anything." Nico whispered.

"I can." Kyan said softly walking towards the front of the group. "I'll lead you through."

Kyan carefully studied around as the others looking to him for guidance. 

"Stay quiet. And give me those two. Kyan whispered, barely audible over the eerie song playing through the breeze. "They're all over the place."

Nico and Toro gave Dawn Rose and Isaac to Kyan, who held each of them under one of his arms.
"Alright, now grab on."

Toro grabbed a handful of Kyan's shirt, and Nico and Maera held onto each other. Nico grabbed Toro's free hand and Kyan took a breath before starting to walk forward.

The song seemed to get louder as they made their way through the black spring, and it made them all tense.

"What's happening?" Maera whispered to Kyan.

"You don't want to know. Just keep moving." He replied, scanning around. Though no one else could see, he saw just how many sirens there was. There was dozens, swimming around, perched on rocks, watching them. Their faces in wicked grins that showed their rows of sharp teeth and dead eyes.

Kyan kept his eyes all around them, hoping the sirens would just let them pass. Especially being injured he didn't feel like fighting a bunch of fish ladies. One of them popped its head out of the water beside them and Kyan stopped. He stared at her, her eyes not leaving his.

She let out a hiss and everyone hid behind Kyan.

He let out a growl at the Siren and she backed off a bit. She hissed louder and the water around them started to swish and move around.

"Dammit." Kyan said under his breath. "Hey, hold these two."

Kyan shoved Isaac and Dawn Rose back at Toro and exhaled, a little flame escaping his mouth.
One of the sirens leapt out of the water for him and he caught her head in his hand, throwing her back into a rock.

The spring went silent, and a long soft hiss filled the air as the sirens surrounded them.
"To hell with it. Kyan said before spitting fire at the sirens.

The sirens shrieked as Kyan lit some of them on fire and retreated back to the water. He let out a small chuckle "That's what I thought." He picked Isaac and Dawn Rose back up and continued to lead the others to the water nymphs.

Isaac groaned and opened his eyes to see a pink-haired water nymph above him.
He let out a small scream and jumped back. "How did I get here?"

"Relax." Toro said as he sat a bit away. "We carried you here."

Isaac looked around and saw everyone being tended to by the water nymphs, including Princess Maera.
"Wait, so we did it?"

"With help." Nico smiled as he gestured to Kyan, who was sitting by himself being tended to by Aurora.

"Wait, is Rosie okay?" Isaac asked Toro as he grabbed his shoulders.

"She is fine." The pink-haired nymph; Ginger, replied. "She is still a little weak though. She used up almost all of her strength."

Dawn Rose was sitting with another Nymph away from the boys, sipping tea they had made her.

"Rosie!" Isaac yelled jumping and hugging her tightly.

She yelped and almost dropped her tea.
"Isaac! My tea!"


"What do you have planned for after this?" Maera asked Kyan as she sat next to him.

"I'm not sure. Part of me doesn't want to go back, even though I'd be the new Dragon King."

"Well then don't." Maera gave him a smile. "Come back with us."

"I don't think a dragon will fit in the Sprite Kingdom. Besides-" Kyan was cut short as Maera grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Kyan, I want you to stay."

His face turned to a deep red and he lit the grass under him on fire.

Maera looked down at the burning grass and so did Kyan.

"Oh shit!" He jumped and started to stomp it out but was splashed by a bunch of water.

"Oops, I didn't mean to get you as well." Aurora said with an embarrassed laugh, making Maera giggle at the now soaked Kyan.

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