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Image Credit: Obey Me: SWD (Solmare)

This book is mainly going to have PG-13 and fluff scenarios and perhaps some crackhead type things and angst.  I will post warnings if there is anything that may be triggering, such as self harm or the like.  I'm using this book as a means to try and improve my short story writing skills.  

If you have any requests, please request them here on this page so that I'll be able to find them, preferably with some kind of a prompt or concept.  However, I reserve the right to choose what I will and won't write and will try to let you know if I am uncomfortable writing it.  I will not, however, write why I am uncomfortable writing it; I have a past and I'd like it to stay there.  If you want something a little bit more mature, DM me and I'll start up a different book.

I will not write about anything nonconsensual, underaged (for me, that includes Luke), or with zombies (they creep me the heck out!)

If I find inspiration from a screenshot-able source, I'm going to use that as the header picture so that I don't forget to credit that person.  

Any images that aren't by me (and honestly, that's probably 99.9% of them unless I get real good at drawing with a mouse, or I start taking pictures of crappy stickman doodles) I will put the credit at the top as I did on this page.  Where applicable I will ask permission prior to using.

If I think of anything more that should be in the introduction, I'll post it here.

Obey Me ShortsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora