"Did you find her?" Walter asked, with near panic. He hadn't found any trace of her as he had searched the west side.

"She's with master." assured George, wondering why Walter was so worried. "Don't worry Uncle Walter, Master protects Sir."

"Oh, good," sighed Walter, with great relief. "Where are they?"

"Master took Sir home."

"Then we should head home as well, the sun will be up soon, and you still have school."

"Aw. I don't wanna."


When Integra woke up, she was in her room. She looked around. The clock said 10:33 a.m. How did she get here? The last thing she remembered was being in her office. All of a sudden, a body moved beside her. It rolled over and she looked down in apprehension, as she saw a man lying beside her.

"What the hell?!"

She jumped out of bed and donned her robe. Who the hell was this and why was he in her bed? Then she remembered. It was Jonathan Kant and she was married now. Integra groaned as she walked to the bathroom, disrobed, and took a bath.

"How are we feeling today, master?" came the voice within her head.

"Despite the fact that I'm now married and there is a strange man in my bed, I'm just fine." retorted Integra, sarcastically. "What happened last night?"

Alucard materialized and stood near the sink. "You went out for a walk."

"I went for a walk?"

"Yes. It was a beautiful night last night." he grinned, all fangs.

"Why can't I remember last night?" she asked, as she gently washed her arms.

"Because you're married now and there is a strange man in your bed." he laughed.

Even if Integra couldn't remember last night, her body remember being with someone. He could see that as she bathed. Usually, she just washed, but today she caressed. Alucard smiled. So she hadn't completely forgotten him. She could still feel him and he savored the memory of her. Integra shook her head clear of the memory.


"Yes, master."

"Get out. I've got to get dressed."

"As you wish, master."

Integra got out and dried off. She tied on her robe, exited the bathroom, and ran into Jon.

"Good morning, Integra."


"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, it's just ...it's going to take me a while to get use to sharing this room."

"That reminds me, where did you go last night?"

"Out for a walk."

"I know you were nervous about our wedding night, but I promised not to force you, remember. You should trust me to keep my word. I was worried about you. I asked Walter where you had gone, but he said you often go out at night and that it was nothing to worry about. He said that it would be better, if I just waited until you returned."

"I..." Integra felt she should apologize, even though she didn't really feel she had a reason to. But she could see the concern in his eyes. He really did care for her. Integra stepped aside and let Jon into the bathroom. "Next time I go for a moonlight walk, I'll be sure to tell you first Ok."

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