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Twenty three years ago
It was a cold winter Monday, quite quiet except for the chirping and singing of birds, the rustling of leaves and the sound of the wind. The echo of your voice could be heard miles and miles away, and that was exactly what was about to happen when the clock strikes twelve. Cecilia slept soundly in bed with her husband until a sharp cut like pain in her abdomen made her jump awake,
"Jake i think it's time, ahhh"she said in pain as another contraction hit her but Jake was still fast asleep
"jake "she called out angrily due to pain making him jump up
"what's wrong Cecelia? "
"She's coming "
"like right now "Jake asked panicking
"yes right now Jake "she bellowed angrily
"Sorry sweetheart "
Jake quickly wears a shirt over his head and carries her with ease outside into his car, Cecilia remembering the breathing exercise she was thought during antenatal to give her relieve she started doing it
"heee hoo heee hoo"Jake puts his hand on hers as another contraction hits her, she cries in pain.
"ain't we there yet"
" no sweetheart "
"well hurry up am literally dieing right now "
"don't say that Cecilia "
"well then take me to the damn hospital"
"calm down love "
"calm down "she shouts "I have a living being inside of me and you're telling me to calm down? "
Jake knowing better than to answer her kept quiet sighing in relieve as he packs his car outside the hospital,he runs inside to get the nurses coming back outside with nurses carry a stretcher. They put her on it and rushed her inside ,after what seemed to the pacing Jake like two hours which was actually twenty minutes the doctor came to congratulate him on his bouncing baby girl .

Five years later
       Cecilia continued playing with her five years old baby Mia while Jake was still at work, baby Mia even at five was a beauty, she had light brown hair ,pinkish lips and two very deep dimples and freckles in strategic places like under her eyes.
"moma I'm hantry "she said looking up at her mum
"my chocolate is hungry"mia nods at her in affirmation
"but you just had cereal "
"I know momma buh am till hantry"she said pronouncing the words wrongly
"okay I'll make some food for my cupcake but first let me call dadda"
'OK momma"Cecilia calls Jake they talk for some time but before she could cut the call she screams in pain
"baby what's wrong "Jake asks from the other line
"I don't know please come home" she says as the phone drops from her hand , Mia was oblivious of what was going on in her mommas room so she kept on playing .In about five minutes Jake ran inside the house and saw Cecilia, he walked to her picked her up and took her to the hospital with Mia in the back seat with her. When they arrived and Cecilia was taken in, Jake sat in the waiting room with his daughter talking with her but not really paying attention to the conversation, he stood abruptly when I the doctor came out
"doc what's wrong with my wife" he asked fast panicking
"Jake I've got good news and bad news "
"yes which is? "Jake urged on getting inpatient
"The bad is really sorry but ur wife has Bad kidney "
"oh my God doc is she alright? "
"For now yes she should be able to get on with one "not waiting for Jake's response he continued "the gud is that ur wife is one month pregnant "
"what? That's not gud news it will stress her"
"Well then am sorry"after the conversation Jake went in to see Cecilia he sat on the bed and kissed her head with tears In his eyes ,they had a little family time before Cecilia got discharged.
           Eight months passed Cecilia got back from her visit to Jake who was admitted in the hospital for heart failure, the expenses weighed alot on her as Jake got sacked due to his absence from work .she looked sleep deprived and exhausted but she still walked to the kitchen to prepare dinner not noticing Mia watching movies
"Momma you didn't hug me" Mia said running up to her
"sorry baby Im just tired "Mia hugged her even though she could only reach her legs
"me have u had ur bath"
"mamma"Mia said looking up innocently
"I told you to always take your bath when you get back from school "
"sorry momma "
"you know I can't stay mad at you "
Mia giggles happily
"hws dadda and my brower"
"their okay Mia, Nw go take ur bath"
"can you bath me am always scared on my own "
"I've always told you MI never be afraid just say to ur self that ur a strong little girl "
Mia repeats
"I'm the best no matter what "
"No situation is stronger than me "Mia repeats
"my best friends are me ,my pride and dignity "Mia repeats getting the words wrong and smiling cause she didn't understand any thing she said "but I'll still bath you "
"yaaay "Mia said running into her room ,Cecilia bathed her and also herself when she finished dressing she felt a heavy contraction making her scream in pain
"Mia "she called, Mia know something was wrong cause her mum doesn't call her full name she ran to her mum
"Mia go call our neighbor Lucy fast"
"yes momma"mia ran out of the house called Lucy as both of then ran to her, Lucy quickly called the ambulance which arrived in about five minutes but Cecilia was bleeding alot
"aunt Lucy what's wrong with momma ?"
"nothing dear shes going to bring your brother okay "
"right nw"
"yes "
"Whats the red thing? "
"It's nothing go watch a movie okay"
"okay"Mia said as she went to watch Micky mouse, she saw as some men carried her mum away but she just told them bye anticipating her mums return with her brother ,little did she know that was the last time she would see her mum.

Hello beautiful people hope you enjoyed it, Subsequent chapters might not be this long. Pls vote comment and refer my book to people I'll really appreciate it.
Love you guys

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