Chapter 4

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That feeling of falling became stronger as the gravity began to hurl me down - My screams were strangled by the wind.

Just trying to breath made me panic as the wind forced itself into my lungs causing me to choke and with my heart hammering in my rib cage my body felt colder then its ever been like a cold pierce to my body and face,  the wind wiping past me at a speed that terrified me.
All I could do, was flail about as I fall to my death...
"And remember! If you die here that's it!"
Winters voice echoed through my head.
My second death - in probably the same week.

"((...listen,you need to turn around so our back is facing the wind. Winter brought us here for a reason, he won't allow us to die.))"
A voice - my voice spoke,I did as I told my self and gasped, my back became so cold,like a bunch of cold needles piercing my back - odd how it hurt more then it did on my body/face.
"((Now,open your eyes, if he's there,reach your hand out))."
Hesitantly I open my eyes. And I see Winter,he looked angelic with those wings and the way the light shined behind him,just added to his angelic glow, a small gasp escapes my lips and i found myself reaching for him.
"(( his soul name ...Adriel))"
A unknown feeling tugs at my heart with just the thought of that name.
"((Do it now!))" I panicked as I heard the urgency in my own voice,so I screamed.

The knot in my stomach eased and my heart rate slowed - I was breathing okay,all the while my eyes were squeezed shut.
"Arabella?" Came a voice - Winters voice, something in my head clicked and I felt myself being pushed in the back of my head..

It was like I was watching a scene play out before my eyes..


"Arabella...I missed you." A genuine smile spread on Adriel's face, that just made him look vulnerably cute.
"Why have you brought us here.."
Adriel's smile faded.
"Us?" His voice sounding confused.
"Me and Rose,surly it wasn't just because you missed me."
Adriel's brows go forward.
"...Rose? Isn't that just a human name you've picked up?" Adriel  places us on our feet -on the ground.
I hear myself sigh.
"No...Adriel,she's my sister."
I felt as Adriel looked, -(even if I was the one who spoke those words) -Puzzled and confused.
It was silent for a long time.
"Souls don't have Siblings Arabella, Anyways ... I brought you here because..." Adriel's expression changed. I couldn't read the emotion I saw there.
"I have asked an audience with your parents.."
a flick of anger hit me
"Why!?, Why would you-"
"Because!,I couldn't stand seeing you fall in love with the same soul over and over again! It's been happening for over a thousand years-all those lives you lived - Seeing you happy with another Soul , I couldn't,not no more." Hurtful anger was heard in his voice,and now it shows on his face.
"The audience with your parents is to do with that.." he looks at us-our eyes, a sad look befalls his handsomely angelic face...he cups our cheek with his hand,a warm soft feeling envelopes that area sending shiver's down our spine.
"You will be back on earth - with that soul."
Before I can comprehend what he's saying
Adriel snaps his finger's and the scene changed dramatically...

We're standing in front of a huge palace- surrounded by the purest green trees I've seen, followed by a vast collection of flower bushes,so many different colours - ...I can't explain,but it looked magical yet so elegant and... so much more. It was a place I once called home... fear pinched at me as I begin to understand what Adriel meant.

I spun on my heels ready to run away-away from that palace.
"NOT SO FAST YOUNG LADY!" A strong voice yells from the palace.
I trip ...instead of landing on ground I landed on a floor- a hard cold floor.
"Arabella,Why haven't you discarded that body yet?" A female voice says,I glance up and see a queen.. she was elegant ,Royalty looking. . I stood up and dusted myself off.

Adriel bows then stands.
"Hello, ma'am. Sir."
"Adriel, how nice of you for coming...we thought you would have canceled your appointment last minute." The Kind says. Then looks at me.
"And, Arabella, Seems you've got yourself in a situation.."
I stood still...
"Adriel says you've found a new soulmate during your time in hell. Care to explain."
The King demands, I felt my brow twitch when he called Earth hell.
I look at Adriel,he's still looking at the royalties..
"Don't look at Adriel, Arabella,it is I who is talking to you."
I look at the King.
"I don't recall, saying that I have."
"Arabella! Now is not the time for backtalk!, This is a serious crime you've committed!" The King yells,causing the already quiet throne room to be more quiet.
I clear my throat while I clench my fists.
"That Soul back on Earth IS not my soulmate!" I place a clenched fist on my chest.
"It's my sisters!"
The Kings face clouded over and anger fills his voice.
"Listen to me!" I shout
"This body is not mine,this body belongs to my sister - and her name is Rose!"

The Queen is the one to stands.
"Arabella, Souls Don't have siblings, it's absurd."
I take a step foreword
"Look at me- look at my soul - I am not alone."
A clicking sound comes back - and I'm pushed to the depths of my mind, While Rose is pushed to the surface.


Fear consumed my whole being when the other me... sister,Arabella, was forced back and me forced out, I gasped as I felt a wave of tension pass through me,falling to my knees, I look up at The Queen and King.


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