~Chapter 15~

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***Leigh's POV***

"Oh my God, Mom!" I yelled and sat back against Mike's arms. His arms were snaked around my waist holding me close to him, restraining me from hitting my mom out of frustration."Seriously, if I want to live with Mike, I should get that choice!"

"Sara Leigh! You are only 17 years of age; therefore, you are not old enough to make any kind of independent decisions!" she yelled. Dayna ran downstairs and jumped into my arms. I pulled away from Mike a little and caught her. She was so tiny, and I had missed her so much.

"Come home, Leigh," she mumbled against my shoulder. I sighed and closed my eyes into my little sister's hair. I rubbed her back softly and pulled her up.

"Kiddo, say hi to Mike?" I asked she waved and smiled up at him."This is my new friend," I explained to her.

"Hi, I'm Dayna! Why do you have that thing on your mouth?" she asked, pointing to his lip piercing. I smiled and looked up at him. He was smiling down at her with his most beautiful smile. He looked over at me and poked my snakebites.

"Because I wanted to be just as beautiful as your sister," he giggled. Dayna laughed and climbed over into his lap now.

"I wanna be pretty like her, too," she beamed up at him. He bounced her softly, and she looked over at my mom. "Mommy, I like Mike! Can I go with him and Leigh?"

"See, mom," I mumbled. I felt Mike's fingers intertwine with mine and squeeze tight. I smiled softly and looked up at my mom, who was already snatching Dayna out of Mike's arms. He stood up and huffed. "Whatever, Mom! If you can't let me be happy here, I'm leaving. I don't care if you approve."

"Well, get your things and leave within the next twenty minutes, Sara Leigh!" she yelled after me as Mike and I ran to my room. I opened the door to find Brandon on my bed.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked, already grabbing clothes off the floor.

"Don't leave, Leigh," he mumbled through tears. I looked over at him and ran to him. I'd never had to comfort him before, but I knew how to hold a little kid. I pulled him into my arms, and he sobbed into my stomach. I looked over at Mike and mouthed softly Keep packing!

"Sweetie, I'll come back. I'll never leave you, alright? I'm still gonna drive you to school and pick you up every day when school starts back," I told him. He looked up at me with watery eyes and choked out what I think was 'promise?' I nodded and wiped his little tears away. "I'll even be back for Christmas." He pulled me back into his arms and sobbed louder.

"Honey, I need a little help," Mike whispered from behind me. I slowly pulled away from Brandon and helped Mike pack my bags. I grabbed my favorite band shirts, skinny jeans, tube tops, and make-up. I handed him the bags and sighed. "I'll take them down for you, meet me in 5?" he asked. I nodded and stretched up to kiss his lips softly. He ran out the door with my bags, and I looked over at Brandon.

"Leigh, can't I come with you?" he asked softly. I sat beside him and let him curl up in my lap. I ran my fingers through his shaggy hair.

"No, sweetie, I can't bring you. But I promise we'll come see you guys, okay?" I choked out through my rising tears. He nodded and crawled away slowly. He sat on one pillow and hugged another one. I jumped across the bed and pulled out my phone. "Here! One last picture," I giggled, which sent him into giggles. I pulled him close to me and pressed my lips to his cheek as I took the picture. 

"I like it!" Brandon yelled and smiled. I kissed his forehead and got up.

"Me, too," I smiled. "I'll keep it forever," I told him as I closed my door and walked downstairs. "Bye, Mom," I hissed before slamming the front door closed.

****Mike's POV****

Leigh jumped into my car and sighed. I could tell she was sad and pissed and happy all at the same time, but I didn't think she'd want to talk about it. We drove back home in silence, and when we pulled into the driveway, she grabbed my hand.

"Mikey, I love you," she smiled over at me. I nodded and kissed her hand. "Let's go get matching tattoos," she suggested. I bit my lip in thought and nodded.

"Let's do it!" I yelled as I backed out of the driveway.

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