How you first met

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You were probably a new trainee or sum. He most likely ran into you and asked to show you around like the gentleman he is. Chivalry isn't dead with this guy😍

You were probably dancing in a practice room and he kept telling you that you were doing a dance move wrong and kept correcting you. Then he wud help you and Probably Slip in a few flirty Jokes and such whilst talking.

Dark bin:
You were probably wearing all black and he came up to you. Or maybe you were Writing a song and he could tell that your ass was struggling so he came to help.

You were at a café and Confused on what to get so his flirty hot ass came up to you and requested an americano. He was relieved when you liked it and asked you to hang out again

This one's a bit harder. You were probably having trouble hitting a note and Jisung helped you out bc he's nice like dat🥺. He then asked you if u needed more help and secretly hoped that you did.

So you were dancing right? He's kinda like Minho except he's nicer and doesn't roast the crap out of you. He would help you and Keeps quoting memes whenever he gets the chance. Then he would probably make up an excuse just to stay with you.

Ya'll probably met at a bookstore. He requested some books for you and gave you his number. Tries to play it off by saying "just tell me when you finish the book and we can talk about it." But inside he's squealing and giggling like a girl

Let's be for real. He shy shy shy so his hyung will probably force him to go flak to you. Minho would be the one to push him so he Bumps into you, initiating conversation. He would eventually ask you to hang out sometime and keeps his cool in front of you when you agree but when he's far from you he Also giggles and doe she's dolphin scream out of excitement.

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