~ Their reaction to you singing ~ (hyung line)

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Note: Hey! Sorry for not updating 😬. I lost motivation....but now I have regained it! More updates soon!

❤️ Namjoon ❤️
You decided to sing Sweet Night by BTS V. Namjoon got a bit jealous because you chose his younger member's song but brushed it off since he is a mature and smart guy.
"🎶Oh, my pillow....🎶" you started. Namjoon's eyes widened. Your voice sounded like that of a siren's, trying to compel him. His ears tried to grab every note coming out of your mouth. The pronunciation of the lyrics was so flawless. You were too focused on hitting every note, that you didn't notice Namjoon staring at you dumbfounded. At that moment, Namjoon was assured that his partner was truly an angel.

💛 Seokjin 💛
After hearing Jin sing Ending Scene by IU, your confidence dropped to ground level. How could you sing after hearing an angel? Your voice would totally ruin the mood. You told Jin to go home but he refused. "It's not fair, ya know? I gave my best and you won't even try?" he said while pouting. Now you felt guilty. You gave in and decided to sing Just Dance by BTS Jhope.
The music started. You were shaking and your voice was low. Jin noticed and told you that he would never judge you. His words comforted you and boosted your confidence. Next thing you knew you were singing your heart out. You turned to look at Jin. He was surprised. His eyes were filled with amazement and twinkled at the sight of you feeling yourself. He felt his heart beating fast and was so proud to see his sweetheart be so confident in her/himself. If only this moment would last forever.

💚 Yoongi 💚
"Ugh, do we really have to? I mean, I already told you that I can't sing!" you said as Yoongi dragged you into the karaoke booth. He took you on a date and in the end he said that you two would go to karaoke. You hated it. Sure you could play an instrument and write songs, but singing or rapping?! Definitely not! "Come on. It will be fun! You don't have to be good at singing in order to have fun!" Yoongi said with that gummy smile of his.
He asked if you knew the song Friends by two of the members in his group. When you replied positively, his eyes lit up and put on duet mode. You were a bit relieved. At least your horrible voice would be drowned by Yoongi's. When you started to sing your solo part, you were quiet af so Yoongi told you RUDELY to raise your voice. That annoyed you so much that you purposely raised your voice, almost yelling but not quite. You seemed to be having fun and that was all that mattered to Yoongi. He didn't care that you couldn't sing. He just wanted to see you happy.....forever.

💙 Hoseok 💙
"Karaoke night would be fun, right?" Those were Hoseok's words after asking you out on a date. You refused saying you can't sing, but Hobi told you not to worry because he couldn't too. "LIAR!" And these were your words after hearing him sing I Don't Love You by Urban Zakapa. His voice was angelic. Sure, it needed training. But amazing nonetheless.
When your turn came, you were pessimistic. But, just one look at your boyfriend and all your worries faded away. You knew he wouldn't judge you. You sang Lonely by Jonghyun. Hoseok was shocked. Not only were you good with animals, but you were incredible at singing. Instead of interrupting you, he just closed his eyes and listened to your sweet voice as he quietly whispered "Ah my Y/n... you're truly perfect aren't you...."

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