~ Confessions ~ (maknae line)

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💜 Jimin 💜
Who confessed: Him
Jimin didn't want to confess at first, but Taehyung and Jungkook  convinced him to do so. He was scared that you wouldn't accept him because of his past but decided to give it a try.
The class ended and the students got ready to leave. So were you when you heard Jimin call your name.
"Y/n, can you come with me?"
"Just trust me." Although it seemed a bit suspicious, you trusted him since you two were really close. You nodded before Jimin grabbed your wrist and pulled you through the crowd of students to the back of the school. You decided to ask.
"Jimin, is everything ok? Did something happen?"
"Everything is ok, Y/n. I just need to tell you something."
"I'm listening."
"Y/n, I love you. Will you please be mine?" Jimin said with an innocent smile.
"You're joking, right?"
"No, why would you think that?"
"Do you really think I would date a playboy? As if!"
"Y/n! It's different! I've changed!"
"You're never going to change, Jimin! You're always going to be someone who dates and breaks people's hearts for fun!" As much as those words hurt, they had to be said. You loved Jimin, you really did, but you knew he meant no good.
"Y/n. Please, please just listen to me." Jimin said desperately, but that didn't stop you from walking away.
"Leave me alone, Jimin!"
"You're different!" - You heard Jimin's voice crack when he said those words. You turned around to see him crying, - "You're different, Y/n! You make me feel things I've never felt before! Whenever I'm around you, I feel like I have wings! (Spread, spread, spread my wings! Lalalalalala lalalalalala!) Butterflies fill my stomach and my heart beats like I'm running! You're the first person to make me feel this way! You're the first person to make me feel love! Why can't you see that?!" You ran to him and hugged him.
"I believe you." You said as you ruffled his hair and held him close until he calmed down.

♥️ Taehyung ♥️
Who confessed: Him
Since Taehyung told Adea he liked you, she would ask you to hang out at her house so you and Tae could spend time together. While you had no idea about this, Taehyung was fully aware and did the same thing with Jungkook and her. (If you don't remember, Adea liked Jungkook) One day, Adea, that little shit, had a 'brilliant' idea.
"Tae, can you come over here?"
"What do you want Dea?"
"I dare you to confess to Y/n."
"And what makes you think I would do that?" Taehyung said while blushing.
"Why? You chicken?" Adea said with a smirk.
"Of course not!"
"Then do it!" Taehyung was about to refuse again but since he was also a little shit (and I love him for that) like his sister, he got an idea too.
"Fine. I'll do it."
"If.....you confess to Jungkook."
"As if!" Adea said while looking away embarrassed.
"Who's the chicken now huh?"
"Fine! I'll do it!" Adea said as she grabbed her phone and Tae grabbed his. They both asked their crushes to meet up. Taehyung was going to pick you up and the both of you were going to the cinema while Adea would watch a movie with Jungkook at her house. Adea turned to Taehyung and said.
"May the odds be ever in your favor."
"I'm not sure that's-"
"Oh, whatever Tae. You know what I mean!" Adea said as Taehyung just chuckled at her silliness.
- Time Skip -
After the movie, Taehyung offered to walk you home. You two talked about the movie and about your lives while walking along the street. When you arrived in front of your house, Taehyung looked at you and said.
"Y/n, I like you."
"Awww Tae, I like you too!"
"No. I mean, I like like you. I love you, Y/n." You blushed but kept it cool. You moved your face closer to him and said.
"That's what I meant too..." As soon as you said that, Taehyung crashed his lips into yours and you two started making out. You broke the kiss and whispered a soft "Goodnight" before turning around and entering your house. During the way back to his house, all Taehyung could think about was the feeling of your lips against his and how lucky he was to be the only one able to taste them.

🖤 Jungkook 🖤
Who confessed: You
You and Jungkook had promised each other that one would never judge the other no matter what they did. Still, you were afraid of telling him how you felt. You always told him everything, but this time it was different, you couldn't tell him about your feelings and you didn't know why. You knew he would probably forget about it if he didn't feel the same because you had known each other for about 17 years but something held you back. You were lost in thought when you heard your phone buzz. It was a text from Jungkook.
"Y/n! We're going on tour! (ㆁωㆁ)"
"Really? Again? That's so cool! Where?"
"Amazing! (≧▽≦)How long will it last?"
"Uhhh, almost a year.....(٥↼_↼)"
"A year?! Why so long....Ó╭╮Ò"
"We wanted to visit as many places as possible (^~^;)ゞ"
"Oh.... That's nice. When are you leaving?"
"Next week"
"In that case, can I see you tonight?"
"Sure. I'll be there at noon. Bye! (。・ω・。)ノ♡"
"Bye..." It was official. You were going to tell Jungkook how you felt before he went on tour.
- Time Skip -
Jungkook came over at you house and you two had a great time. You played video games, ate junk food and  watched a bunch of videos. You were lying against Jungkook chest as you two ate snacks. It was pretty quiet until Jungkook sat down straight, looked at you and asked.
"Y/n... Why did you want to see me tonight?" You shivered.
"Uh....to hang out?"
"I know you're lying. Come on, remember our promise?"
"You're right. I wanted to tell you something."
"Go on. You know I won't judge."
"Jungkook, we've known each other since we were kids. And you've always been there for me when no one else wasn't. Lately, I have realized that I have caught feelings for you and maybe, if you felt the same, we could spend the remaining week together before you go on tour." Jungkook just stared at you dumbfounded. "Shit, I messed up." You thought so you attempted to leave the couch but Jungkook grabbed you and smiled.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this." He said before starting to kiss your lips passionately. You were surprised at first but then closed your eyes and melted to his kiss. He broke the kiss and said: "This is going to be the best week of my life."

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