Every Step of the Way

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"She's so mysterious. Like what's her problem? Why won't she hang out with anyone?" Mina questions the girls who are having a spa day.
"I heard she used her portals to send kids from her other school to villain bases." Momo comments.
"She's acting like Todoroki did before the sports festival." Uraraka adds looking around at the girls.
"He would never date her though. I've never seen him put any interest into anyone other than Deku. Are we sure he's straight?" Hagakure comments and all the girls look at each other.
Momo blushes and the rest shrug.
"I don't see her being the dating type either, ribbit." Tsu adds in.
(Y/n) walks into the dorms building, headphones in. She didn't have music or anything playing though.
The girls look at her at once which causes the (h/c) to look at them.
She keeps a straight face and walks toward the kitchen.
"See? She can't even smile or say hi." Mina pouts.
(Y/n) pours herself some juice as she listens to them talk about her.
"Be quiet. What if she can hear you?" Momo questions.
"She's got her headphones in. She can't hear us." Jiro responds.

"She's not listening to music." Todoroki comments as (Y/n) walks toward the stairs.
She didn't care that her room is on the top floor.
All the girls look at the candy cane boy.
"She could hear us?" Uraraka asks quickly.
"I think so yeah. If she was listening to something you'd be able to hear it. Haven't you noticed her music is always loud?"
The girls look at each other again as Shoto walks away.
(Y/n) walks past Katsuki's room but her gaze is glued to the ground.
The door swings open quickly and smacks her right in the face. The edge hits the bridge of her nose hard, causing blood to drip.
The blonde jogs out of his room and apologizes for hitting her.
Tears slip down her cheeks as she holds her nose and walks toward the nearest bathroom.

(Y/n) leans over the sink and washes her hand as blood drips down. She wets a piece of paper towel and splits it in two.
One side goes in each nostril.
She sniffles softly and tries wiping the tears away.
The tears slowly stop.
"Hey (L/n) are you ok?" Todoroki asks, walking over. "What happened to your nose?"
"Lord Explosion Murder hit me with his door." She responds quietly.
The red sink makes Shoto sigh softly but he noticed the teardrops on her hand and her cheeks.
"Maybe if you weren't so closed off they wouldn't talk about you like that. Everyone thinks you use your portals to send kids to villain bases."
"I did!" She yells and looks at him quickly. "I used my portals to send those kids away. They nearly killed me at least once a month. I sent them to a villain base run by my uncle."
The boy was shocked at the confirmation. The longer he stares into her eyes the more he saw desperation.
She looks away and grips the sink.
"You're lying. You think you can push me away if you lie. I won't abandon you to suffer alone (Y/n). I care about you and I want you to be happy."
The girl cries softly as she hunches over the sink.
Shoto walks over and hugs her from behind.
His arms wrap around her waist and his head lays on hers.
She was shocked by the contact but made no attempt to move.
He hums softly and tries to calm her down. "I'm here," he whispers.
(Y/n) stops crying soon and small sniffles echo in the bathroom.
"You're not a bad person. You just need to open up and trust others. Trust me I know it's not easy. It took me a long time. Baby steps are fine."
(Y/n) turns around and looks up into his eyes. "Will you stay by my side?"
He smiles at her whispered question. "Every step of the way."
"Can I kiss you?" She asks with a straight face.
He thinks about it for a moment before leaning down and connecting their lips.
She cups his face with both her hands.
He rubs her hips while deepening the kiss.
They pull away for air, which was quicker than they wished due to her clogged nose.
He places his fingers on her nose and cools it to stop the bleeding. He slowly takes out the paper towel and throws it away.
"Thank you," she whispers.
"You're welcome." He responds and there's a short pause. "Um... does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?"
(Y/n) giggles softly and nods. "Yes I'll be your girlfriend. But I um... I don't wanna tell anyone. I want it to be our secret."
"Can I at least sneak into your dorm and vise versa?" He asks and she blushes.
"Um...sure I guess." She responds and he smiles.
"Good. Cause I can't wait to hold you during the night." He responds, causing her to blush more. "Let's get you to bed."
(Y/n) nods and yawns. "Ok. Will you carry me there?"
He smirks and picks her up. "You're lighter than I thought."
"Did you think I was so fat you couldn't lift me?"
Shoto kisses her cheek. "I thought no such thing. You are a feather I promise."
She rolls her eyes and holds on as he carries her to his room.
He lays her in his bed and holds her close again.
She closes her eyes, laying on her side.
He presses his chest against her back and makes sure to feel all her warmth. "Sweet dreams (Y/n)."
The girl smiles and falls asleep.
He closes his eyes and falls asleep shortly after.

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