I Don't Know What To Call This p1

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"Come on sweetheart. You gotta eat the peas and broccoli. They'll make sure you grow up big and strong."
"Like you daddy?" The little girl asks.
"Just like me, baby girl."
"But they taste yucky."
"But if you eat them a lot you won't think they're yucky anymore."
The girl smiles widely and nods. "Ok daddy."
The man's phone rings and he answers. "Hello?"
After a small pause he sighs.
"Ok. I'll be there soon. Let me put her to bed then I'll leave."

"Come on little one. Time for bed."
The (h/c) girl runs to her room and jumps into bed. "Can you read me a bedtime story?"
"Not tonight baby girl. But tomorrow I will."
The girl nods and closes her eyes. "Night daddy."
"Sweet dreams pumpkin." The man kisses his daughter's forehead then leaves.

*10 Years Later*

"Alright men we've got this. You all know the plan. In and out got it?"
A chorus of "yeah!" echo.
"What about her? You ain't taken her are you boss?"
"Yes I'm going. I'm ready." The girl confirms.
"No you ain't." The men object.
The father holds up his hand. "This is her first time. She'll do just fine."
The girl glares at the men around her.
A few grumbles can be heard but nothing is said.
"Are we ready men?"
"Let's go!" They all yell.
(Y/n) makes a large portal for the group but unfortunately they were ambushed.

Immediately chaos erupts and the villain group gets to work.
"How did they find us? We must have a mole." One man yells.
"Fight men! Don't lose hope." The father yells for the men around to hear.
(Y/n) makes portals for her men and makes sure not to get caught.
The boss smiles, proud of his daughter. "She's definitely got her mother's strong will."
"Give up villains! We've got you outnumbered." Endeavor yells.
(Y/n) looks over and growls. She makes a portal, sending one of her men's quirk to the fire hero.
Unfortunately a young boy with red and white hair blocks the attack.
She stares at the boy and blushes slightly.
He looks around, probably looking for the portal user. "Look out old man!"
"Shoto! I am your father. I don't need your help to save me."
"Whatever Endeavor."

"Take that boy out!" The right hand man of the boss yells at (Y/n).
She keeps staring and eavesdropping. She notices the scar over his left eye.
He uses both his ice and fire at the same time.
Her whole body is unmoving.
She couldn't do it.
Something about this boy.
He has hatred in his eyes when speaking to his father.
It's as if he thinks the hero is the villain.
Just as she thinks her father is a hero, not a villain.

The right hand man growls and aims his quirk at the girl.
Before the blow can injure the girl, her father pushes her out of the way, taking the damage.
The girl gasps and catches her father as they fall to the ground.
All the villains stop fighting to see what happened to their boss.
"Daddy!" She cries and holds the bleeding wound.
"You got distracted by a boy. Who would've guessed." He chuckles and rubs her cheek.
"Shhh you're gonna be ok. We'll get you some help. I'll portal us away."
"They've got us cornered baby girl. We've lost. Be brave ok?"
"I won't let you die."

The heroes catch all the villains before they can murder their own comrade for treason.
The boy from earlier walks over and looks between the father and daughter.
"Please don't let him die." She begs the boy.
Now that he can see her, he realized they're probably the same age.
He looks down at the man. She must love her father deeply. He thinks to himself.
The girl cries softly and leans her forehead against her father's.
A couple paramedics rush over and look over the wound.
Endeavor roughly grabs (Y/n) and puts quirk erasing cuffs on her.
"Please, let her go. She isn't a villain. She's not a bad kid. I used her as a transport, nothing more. Spare her please." The father begs.

Aizawa walks over and looks at the man then his daughter. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"
"Do you know her Eraser?" Endeavor asks, looking at the ravenette.
"I was friends with her mother before she died. I thought you weren't gonna use her Takashi?" Shota asks the man as they load him into an ambulance.
"Please Shota. Take care of her for me. She's not like us. She's just like Hima."
"Daddy!" She cries loudly as the ambulance doors close.
"You're going to jail girl." Endeavor growls and turns to take her away.
"Let me take her Endeavor. Go deal with the rest of the villains. We need to talk."
The flame hero growls and throws the girl at the other pro.
Shoto feels his fists clench when his father throws the girl.
Even if she is a villain she doesn't deserve to be tossed around. She's still human, not trash. She even begged me, her enemy, to save her father.

Aizawa holds (Y/n) and takes her aside.
She clenches his shirt and cries into his chest. "Please don't let him die."
The tired man sighs and rubs her back. "He's gonna be just fine. He won't die so easily. That man is stubborn and he wants to take care of you now that Hima is gone."
"Mama? You two were really friends? Tell me about her please."
Aizawa shakes his head. "Not right now. Everyone here wants to throw you in prison and never let you out."
She looks away and wipes her face.
"Answer me this: do you really wanna be a villain?"
(Y/n) looks at him then away, only to see that boy.
He follows her gaze and sees Todoroki.
"I don't wanna hurt people. My quirk is useful but it's useless if I can't defend myself."
"Then I think I know your best option."

(Y/n) spends the night in a cell which she didn't find surprising.
Aizawa promised he would visit the next day to give her either good or bad news.
The judge was reluctant but decided to give (Y/n) a chance. "You will be her guardian Aizawa. She will attend UA in hopes to reform her. She may prove to be a valuable asset for the heroes. Although if she proves to follow in her father's footsteps she will be sent back to prison and live out her sentence."
"Understood sir. Thank you."
"I will arrange things with principal Nezu while you make preparations in the dorms for her." The judge hits his gavel and Aizawa leaves.

//I have no idea what to call this mini series. So maybe with later chapters I'll ask for recommendations 👍🏻

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