Chapter 5: Mission Two,"Miss Invisible"

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"Maybe. I guess this explains why we haven't seen anybody that looks like her all day," Aquarius said. "If she has invisibility it would've been difficult to find her."  

Taurus's ears perked up when he heard a slight sound. "Guys-" 

A moment later Scorpio blinked into existence, and hit Aquarius over the head with a chair. He hit the ground. "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!" And then she disappeared. Another minute and she hit Capricorn as well, then blinked away again. 

"Wait!" Taurus held out his hands, because he did not want to be hit over the head. "We're not here to hurt you! Please, listen!" 

Silence. "I heard you talking," Scorpio's tremulous voice sounded. "What do you want?" 

Aquarius groaned and picked himself up from the ground. "That hurt." His appearance was already shifting back to his normal appearance. 

"Are you okay, Mr. Aquarius?" Taurus asked anxiously. "And how is Mr. Capricorn?" 

"I'm fine," Capricorn muttered, also getting up. "I get hit all the time in the workshop, but just in case..." He closed his eyes and spread his arms. "Freeze." 

Capricorn-Style Telekinetic Body-Freezing Skill - Wide Influence.

A moment later, everybody except for him found themselves unable to move, under the influence of his telekinesis. "Now..." Capricorn slid on a pair of crazy-looking glasses that enabled him to see through abilities. He found Scorpio frozen standing behind Taurus, a chair in her hands. "There you are." Then he took out his ability-stopper and injected it into her arm, and she flickered into sight. "Annnd... there we go!" He released everyone. 

"I thought I told you not to do that," Aquarius snapped immediately. Capricorn shrugged, still using his telekinesis to hold down Scorpio's body, despite already drained from what he just did. (naturally, they were all struggling against it) He wrestled the chair away from her. "Sorry." 

"What did you just do?!" Scorpio asked frantically as she tried to become invisible and stayed where she was. "Why can't I disappear?" 

Capricorn held up a needle. "Ability stopper. I just injected a bit into you. Don't worry, the effects will wear off in 10 minutes, since I'm being nice, so we've gotta make this quick." 

"Release me first!" she demanded. "I don't know what you're doing, but I don't like having no control over my body." 

Capricorn sighed. "Fine. But if you try anything you probably won't like it." He released her and she collapsed onto the ground. "Who are you people?" 

"We're ability users, just like you," Taurus said gently, helping her stand up.

She scoffed. "Right, and I'm the president of the U.S!" 

Without even blinking Taurus let electricity arc up and down his body. Her jaw dropped. "Wait... so that means..." she looked at Capricorn. "You were using telekinesis, weren't you?" 

Capricorn beamed. "Correct! You're smart!" 

"So then what's your power?" she asked Aquarius. "Do you even have one?" 

Capricorn muffled a laugh and Aquarius glared at him. "Yes, though I can only show you one before the clothes I'm wearing are not fireproof." He slowly let frost cover the right side of his body, then it disappeared. "Believe us now?" 

Scorpio nodded slowly, eyes wide. 

"Will you come with us?" Taurus asked. "You'll be safe where we're going." 

Scorpio opened her mouth, but at the very minute Aquarius called, "Watch out!" They watched as something carved away at the office doors until it finally collapsed. 

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