"The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars
As daylight doth a lamp. Her eye in heaven
Would through the airy region stream so bright
That birds would sing and think it were not night.
See how she leans her cheek upon her hand.
Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand
That I might touch that cheek!"

Cheesy, but he was a good actor. He wondered what Harry looked like in this lifetime. His Harry, well not his but the Harry he knew, would be perfect playing Romeo based on his looks. Oh, he was talking now. He better pay attention to his own acting skills. This was so weird.

"Oh Romeo, Romeo! 
Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or, if thou will not, be but sworn my love,
and I will no longer be a Capulet."

Hey! Not bad! Oh, it was time for the love scene. Louis watched in amusement. They were really convincing playing star-crossed lovers. Louis' mouth fell open when Niall entered the stage, dressed in women's clothes as well. Oh, he must play the nurse! Louis burst out laughing again.

He watched the play and before he knew it, it was time for the death scene.

"Arms, take your last embrace! And lips, O you the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss."

Louis was crying softly. This was so sad. Harry was so passionate as if he understood the agony of love. Louis bet he had a mademoiselle somewhere at home. The play was done and they all disappeared backstage so Louis followed them. The names didn't say anything to him, so he peeked inside every door because apparently, he could walk through walls. Zayn's name was Arthur. Niall's name he couldn't even pronounce. Liam's name was James and then there was the last door. It said, Edward and William. Did they share a dressing room? Okay, so they didn't hate each other in this lifetime?

He went inside the room and his jaw fell to the floor. His eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. He walked in on himself having a heated make-out session with Harry. What? They were gay?

He could see Harry break the kiss so he could look at him (William him). He stroked Williams' cheek and there was so much love manifested in his eyes that he gasped for air from the sight. Harry-Edward loved Louis-William? What the hell?

"You were wonderful tonight, my love." Harry-Edward said in a soft voice.

Louis stared at himself to see how he would respond. Former he blushed and bit his lower lip and he looked so in love too. What the actual fuck?

"So were you, my love." Louis-William whispered before he leaned in and kissed Harry-Edward again.

Louis was shocked. Then everything went white again all of a sudden. He got to experience small moments of the two of them together, hiding their love for each other in public, sneaking in and out of each other's houses. He hid his face in his hands with a grunt when he got to witness a very intimate moment. Let's just say that they were naked. It would haunt him forever.

It seemed like he got to see their lives for two years in ultra speed and then he was back at the theater again. His friends were all on stage, acting out some other play. All of a sudden a whole bunch of policemen barged in. What the hell was happening? They walked over to him and Harry and grabbed them.

He could see himself kicking and screaming "Noooo Edward!" This was heartbreaking. Harry-Edward just cried silently and stared at Louis-William in despair. The policemen tied their hands with ropes and dragged them away. Louis was in shock. What was happening to them?

A new white flash happened and when he came to a new location he gasped in horror. In front of him was a Gallows Hill. He could see two ropes swaying in the wind. No! No! No!

And there they were, hands tied behind their backs, pushed against the hanging ropes. A man in a white wig spoke up.

"Carl Edward Davies, you have broken the law passed by our Parliament, the Buggery Act. You are therefore sentenced to death by hanging. James William Taylor, you have broken the same law and you are also sentenced to death by hanging."

Louis stared at the scene with teary eyes. He couldn't believe it. This was horrible!

The ropes came off and Edward and William (or him and Harry) threw themselves in each other's arms and kissed desperately before the policemen pulled them apart and hit them.

"I love you, William!" Harry-Edward shouted. One of the policemen almost knocked him unconscious.

"Don't hurt him! Please, I beg of you. I love you too Edward! Always!" Louis-William shouted, sounding absolutely broken, and had to take a beating as well.

Louis was sobbing uncontrollably. His eyes were wide open as he watched the policemen push former him and Harry up the hill until they could put the ropes around their necks. It broke him completely when Harry-Edward reached for Louis-Williams hand and he watched them hold on to each other for dear life. They never broke eye contact. Both of them were crying their hearts out. Louis screamed when they were hissed up in the air and he closed his eyes so he didn't have to watch them die.

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