The Cost

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1. What would do if following Jesus meant you'd never be able to afford a cellphone, Laptop, or other gadgets?
2. What would you do if following Jesus.

The reality of following Jesus
'I will lay down my life for you'
John 13:37

*Rich young man
"I've followed all the law, and I reckon I'm pretty right. So how do get into God's kingdom". Mark 10:17-31

*The disciple
You know what, Jesus? I really want to follow you....Luke...

If you choose Jesus, it might cause you everything you have. However, you will gain more than you could ever hope for.

Following Jesus might cost you money, popularity and relationships. Are you willing to pay the price?

Anuman ang forever na yan may forever naman kay God..,

GOD WordsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora