#18 Assault on Stohess

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The costs and casualties of the failed expedition were easily enough to discredit the faction that had supported the Survey Corps. As those responsible, including Erwin, were summoned to the capitol, it was decided that Eren was to be handed over after they'd failed to prove his worth in helping mankind. But it wasn't over for the Survey Corps. Two nights before Erwin and Levi left, the former had summoned for another meeting in the empty dining hall. Levi was already there with Orabelle and Eren, each of them had a cup of tea as they waited for the others.

"They're so slow." grumbled the Squad Leader. He had changed from his Survey Corps uniform, and wore a plan long-sleeved V-neck shirt and black pants. "Erwin and the others, making me wait. I'll be escorted out by the Military Police Brigade at this rate. If I were to guess, he's probably dealing with constipation."

"Captain, you're rather talkative today." commented Eren, letting out a nervous laugh.

"Don't be ridiculous." he said, lifting the cup up again. "I've always been quite talkative. He finished up his tea before putting the empty cup down, wincing as he reached for his injured leg before clicking his tongue out of annoyance.

"I'm sorry." murmured Eren, looking down with guilt and clenching both fists on his lap. "It's only because I made the wrong choice back then that we're in this situation."

"I've said this already." said Levi. "The result is a complete mystery." Orabelle glanced at Levi and nodded her head in agreement. It clearly wasn't Eren's fault that things turned out this way, and he needn't put the blame on him for something that he had not control of. As Levi said, no one could predict the outcome.

At the moment, the door opened, and in came Erwin. "Apologies for the delay." he said.

"It's fine." assured Eren. But he and Orabelle showed surprise when their gazes landed on the familiar faces that entered with the Commander. It was Armin, Mikasa, and Jean. "You guys..." He looked at Erwin, expecting an explanation from him.

"We've found a suspect who's believed to be the Female Titan." he said, causing the boy to let out a gasp. "We'll definitely apprehend them this time." Everyone then sat at the table, with Erwin and Levi occupying the ends. Orabelle sat on the latter's right, with Jean next to her and Mikasa across. Each of them had a document and a giant map occupied the center of the table. "Our plan is for the day after tomorrow, during our passage to the capital where we are to answer the summons - at Stohess District. It will be our first and last chance. If we miss it, the capital will take custody of Eren, and it'll likely become difficult to investigate those who plot to destroy the walls. Consequently, the fall of mankind will draw even nearer. We'll wager everything on this plan."

Erwin began to explain the plan while using his finger to point at the path marked in red marker. "The plan is as follows: As we pass through Stohess District, Eren will act as a bait and lure the target to this underground passage. Upon bringing them to the lowest level, judging by their size and power, their movements should be fairly restricted, even if they transform. However, on the off chance, they transform before that, you're the only one we can count on, Eren."

"Yes, sir." responded the boy nervously. "So the main target is, without a doubt, in Stohess District, correct?"

"Yes." replied the Commander. "The target is part of the Military Police Brigade. Armin was the one who inferred that. According to him, the Female Titan may be responsible for killing the two Titans we'd captured and is possibly a member of the 104th Training Corps, like you."

Eren took in a breath and looked at him with shock. "W-Wait just a second." he said. "The 104th..."

"The name of the female suspected to be the Female Titan is... Annie Leonhart." revealed Erwin.

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