#03 Vertical Maneuvering Equipment Training

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The trainees were up early in the morning, starting off their day with their daily routine scheduled by the Training Corps. On their first day of training, they were taught how to use the most important equipment which had made it possible for mankind to fight against Titans - the vertical maneuvering equipment. They arrived at the training ground where Keith was awaiting for them, and behind him were the training gears.

"First, your aptitude will be tested." he began. "Those who fail are not even worthy to serve as bait. Failures will be sent to the reclaimed lands!" After listening to further instructions, the trainees were divided into several groups; each of them were assigned to a training gear where they would be supervised by an instructor.

"This exercise is the most basic of the fundamentals, yet already you can ascertain who's adapt at using the vertical maneuvering equipment." said the officer as he arrived at the training ground with his attendant. He then noticed something from the corner of his eyes and smiled, nodding towards the direction. "Look at them." The younger male followed his gaze, which landed on Mikasa and Orabelle, who were merely hanging by the wires as they were able to balance themselves very well. "They're hardly wobbling at all. They intuitively know what they're supposed to do. That's the definition of talent." He then looked over to the others; Connie was moving his limps around as he tried to get the right balance, Sasha gently swayed in the air while sitting, and Jean was struggling to not fall. "Looks like we've got some quality new blood this year."

His attendant then looked over to one of the groups and pointed at the cadet training with the gear. "Uh, what about him?" he asked with concern.

The officer followed his gaze and smiled, saying, "He's talented in his own way. Sometimes, no matter how hard people try, they're incapable of success."

The person they were referring to was Eren, a tan-skinned boy of average height and build with short dark brown hair and teal-green eyes. Out of everyone in this batch of cadets, he was the only one hanging upside down as he failed to keep himself steady; and Keith was not impressed.

"What the hell are you doing, Eren Jaeger?!" he yelled. "Raise your upper body!"

'What?' thought the said boy as he stared at the cadets; many of them held concern while some were try to stifle their laugh. 'How do I do this? You've gotta be kidding me.'

When it was time to call it a day, the trainees returned to their quarters. Orabelle had came out from the toilet and was making her way towards the mess hall when she heard someone calling her name from behind. Turning around, she was surprised to see a cadet rushing towards her before stopping to catch his breath.

"What is it, Armin?" she asked concernedly.

After taking a deep breath, he straightened himself up to look at her properly. He was about to say something but was distracted by her purple orbs, admiring how they glimmer in the dim lights of the corridor. But he soon found himself staring at her and blushed profusely, shaking his head as he tried to focus on what he had to say.

"Can you follow me for a while?" he asked, although the blush was still present on his cheeks. "Eren needs some extra lessons on how to steady himself on the vertical equipment. We thought that you and Mikasa were the only ones who'd mastered it, so we were wondering if you could give some tips to him?"

Orabelle didn't hesitate to nod and smiled at him while replying, "Sure, I am glad to help."

Armin's face beamed up. He thanked her a few times before leading her back to the training ground, where she saw Eren strapped to the training gear and Mikasa was standing in front of him. The latter was a fairly tall teenage girl with chin-length black hair and calm black eyes. She wore a dark red scarf around her neck, which Orabelle noticed she had been wearing it everywhere she went.

"Guys, I've brought Orabelle-san!" called Armin, jogging towards them with the said girl trailing behind. When they arrived next to them, he began introducing them to each other.

"Armin told me about your situation." she said to Eren. "So I would suggest you to focus on the basics. Do not worry about being perfect for now. Pay attention to your balance centered, and rest your weight on the waist and sole belts. Stay calm, and you will be able to pull it of."

"That's right." agreed the blond boy. "I managed to do it when I was calm."

"Alright, I think I've got it this time." said Eren with determination before looking at him. "Lift me up, Armin." The said boy gave him a nod and turned the gear, slowly lifting Eren above the ground. But in that instant, he fell forward and knocked him forehead on the ground.

"I think it is time for dinner." remarked Orabelle, who quickly rushed over with Mikasa as the girls helped him to recover before going back to the mess hall with Armin. While the stunned Eren, who now had bandages around his forehead, sat with Mikasa and Armin, Orabelle sat with Reiner and his friend Bertholdt, whom she had befriended not long. He was a tall and slender boy with short dark hair, pale green eyes, thin eyebrows, and an elongated face.

"Look at him know." said one of the cadets with a mocking smile while looking at Eren. "He talked a big game yesterday, saying he's kill all the Titans."

"He'll be working at the reclaimed lands after tomorrow." added his friend. "Useless kids don't deserve food."

"Look at them run their mouths." commented Reiner, who overheard the exchange.

"I feel sorry for him." said Orabelle, resting her chin on her fist. "I tried to teach him how to hang still, but I do not think there is really a trick."

"It can't be helped." said Bertholdt. "All he can do is readjust his belt and hope to do better." Orabelle had to agree with this, because if Eren wanted to pass this test, he had to do it on his own. "By the way, Orabelle-san, where are you from?"

"You can call me Belle, if you want." she suggested. But before she could disclose, the bell went off, signaling everyone that dinner time was up. "We will talk about it next time." Picking up her empty plate, she walked over to the basin and placed it in before making her way back to her dormitory.

The following morning, everyone stood in front of a training gear, where Eren had his belt strapped to the iron wires. "Eren Jaeger, are you ready?" asked Keith, standing in front of the said boy who had a look of determination.

"Yes, sir!" he replied firmly. But deep down, he was nervous about failing this test, because it was his final chance to prove his worth in the Training Corps. 'I'll do it.' he thought determinedly. 'I have to do it.

'He might not have the talent, but he's more determined than anyone else here.' noted Orabelle while taking note of his expression. 'I hope he passes.'

"Begin!" said Keith, and Thomas began cranking up the gear.

'I don't know the theory.' thought Eren while balancing himself as he was lifted from the ground. 'I don't know the basics. But it's all I've got! This is my weapon!' When he was able to hang still, his peers began to cheer; which soon fell short when he flipped upside down again. As Keith approached him, the boy began to panic. "N-No, I can still..." But the commandant stared at him for a short while before telling Thomas to lower him. Eren adjusted himself and knelt on the ground with despair, thinking that he had busted his final chance. "I can still..."

"Wagner, lend Jaeger your belt." was the first thing Keith said, surprising everyone. With Eren putting on Thomas's belt, he was lifted off the ground once more and managed to steady himself easily.

'He did it!' thought Orabelle before her gaze landed on the belt in Keith's hands. 'Could it be...?'

"The equipment was faulty." he explained, as if he could read her mind, while showing Eren his belt. "The metal fittings on your belt were damaged. I've never seen damage to these parts before. I suppose we'll need to update the maintenance checklist."

"So he actually succeeded... even with a faulty equipment." said one of the cadets with surprise.

"Wow!" praised another.

"S-So, what's your decision?" asked Eren, who was still steadying himself in the air.

That was when Keith said, "You're good to go! Stay resolute and train hard!"

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