Life's a Joke

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You slowly began to move through the alleyway, trying to find the best possible angle to get at before you were found. It was hard collecting evidence on gangs or villain groups. Even harder without the authority to use a quirk to defend yourself. So now, you were just trying to get what you could and leave before anyone spotted you. Getting right under a window, you placed your back on the opposing wall and your feet on the building that contains said evidence. You pushed and began to walk up the building to get to the window.

Finally, you got level with the window and peered inside. Dozens of workers. Everywhere. It looked like an entire drug cartel. You pulled your camera up and got out a unique lens cap for night vision and placed it up to the window. Before you could make the jump to take the pictures, you made sure your flash was off and that you could actually see what was happening inside. Once you confirmed all of that, you began to take the pictures.

You didn't know how many photos you got. You took them in intervals of 5 seconds each so, it could have been 5 till 10 different pictures. You sighed once you were there for about 2 minutes before you fell back down to the ground. You sighed and began to slide away from the alleyway until an explosion went off behind you and you saw a man standing there. He opened his fist and extended claw-like fingernails before he began to walk towards you. You nearly slid along the ground as you tried to get away until the man ran up to you and grabbed you.

You were then thrown inside the warehouse, rolling along the ground as the workers inside watched. You glanced around and saw a few had drawn guns on you while others had some quirks ready to attack you. The man re-enters and walks up directly to you. You gulp as he leans down and looks you over. He pulls your camera away from your person and looks back at you. He crushes the camera in his hand and looks right back at you.

(Y/N): Hey. How are-

The man kicked you in the face, making you spill some blood. You gripped your nose and slowly rolled around on the ground. He grabbed you again and threw you down onto the ground one last time as you coughed up some more blood. You slowly began to crawl away as the man looked back down at you.

(Y/N): Oh come on, fellas. You have the camera. Let me go and pretend this whole thing never happened.

The man grabbed you and held you high up in the air. From below, a short man walked up and stood right under you and opened his mouth. The mouth got wider and wider and it looked as if it was a bottomless pit. You looked down with fear and back to the tall man.

(Y/N): You have got to be kidding me.

You kicked the taller man in the chest, which almost got him to stumble backward. He smirked at you and he slowly lowered you downwards. until you kicked the shorter man in the head as well. The taller man growled a little and was about to slash you through the neck until a window crashed nearby. At the base of the window was the smile hero herself, Ms. Joke.

(Y/N): Oh you have got to be kidding me.

She stood up and smiled as she seemed to activate her quirk. Case in point was around her, workers began to break down into laughter. She ran forward and punched a few of those workers and ran towards you.

Ms. Joke: Hey guys! You hear the one about the one where the guy losses his eye?

Suddenly, the taller man and those around him, including yourself began to laugh as Ms. Joke ran in and punched them all in the face. While she continued to do her job and run around, taking out guys, you were struggling with containing yourself and calming down. After a few minutes, you stopped laughing as Ms. Joke walked over to you. She offered you a smile and a hand up. You took it and got to your feet.

Ms. Joke: Sorry about that. Heard what sounded like a young child screaming in here. Didn't expect a drug ring.

She laughed while you gave her a deadpanned look directly at her face. Still, she laughed and didn't seem to care all that much. She finally calmed down and smiled at you. She wrapped an arm around you and began to guide you out of the warehouse. As you were walking out, you saw several cops all run inside.

(Y/N): They were here?

Ms. Joke: That's all on me too. Called them the second I broke in here.

(Y/N): Well, that's good to know. Nice to know all the evidence I had was for nothing.

Ms. Joke: Oh don't be like that. I'm sure you'll be fine. You a cop?

(Y/N): Reporter. I was going to break this story. So thanks for taking my job.

Ms. Joke: Sorry. But a hero has to do what she's got to do!

(Y/N): Yeah. I got that one. You always did say you would become a hero. Even if your jokes were terrible.

Ms. Joke: Wait! Do I know you?!

(Y/N): Uh...(Y/N) (L/N)? We went to Middle School together.

Her eyes lit up as she looks at you. Slowly, Joke begins to form a massive smile on her face as she looks at you. She takes your hand and almost drags you away from the scene.

(Y/N): What are you-

Ms. Joke: We should catch up! I know a coffee place not too far from here! We can go and-

You pull away from her and take a step back. She looks at you with some confusion on her face as you raise your arms slightly in defense. She then quickly gets a look of remorse before looking at you in the eyes.

(Y/N): Not right now. I need to go and work on stuff first. Such as writing this article up and getting it to my editor and fast.

Ms. Joke: Oh...ok then! (Smiles) Well, I'll see you later then! Hope you get your work done fast! I'll see you later!

(Y/N): Yeah...later.

You began to walk off and back to your car from around the corner. However, once you got there, you saw it being driven down the road by a tow truck. You sighed and looked at your wallet and saw you had enough to take a train and get back home. So you did so. Still with Ms. Joke's offer and comments in the back of your head. Emi Fukukado. Better known as Ms. Joke. You two had gone to Middle School together and some of primary school.

She was always known for being the class clown and an uplifting spirit. Unless you had a cold and distant personality due to a bunch of bullies, then she was an annoying human being who you just wanted to shut up. Her jokes never landed with you and she wasn't the brightest knife in the kitchen neither. That didn't mean you hated her. It just annoyed you sometimes. But hey, here you were.

Once you got home, you had saw a letter at your doorstep. You looked at it and saw it was a letter reminding you to pay rent this month. You missed last month so the landlord began to send mail to remind you. He was a nice old man so there was no complaining there. Once you got inside, you wrote out the check and sent it his way before you began to type up the piece about the drug ring.

Of course, most of it would need police statements, hero statements, and otherwise. You already had a contact inside the police force so that was nice. What was going to be hard would be the hero statement. That was until you were hit with the fact that Ms. Joke was on the case. And she did invite you out for coffee. And you also remember one of your colleagues had wrote about her around three years ago when she began to teach at Ketsubutsu Academy. Easy.

You kept typing and doing what you could well into the night. Hell, you didn't even eat dinner. The last thing you remember before you pass out is that it was 22:31 and the next thing you knew, you were asleep.

Ms. Joke X Male Reader: Writing a Comedy of ErrorsWhere stories live. Discover now