loving again

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Sakusa Kiyoomi was tired of everyone's shit. What he didn't expect was to see Miya Atsumu, prized setter of the MSBY Black Jackals, at his neighborhood park in the dead of the night, when they had a break. Kiyoomi was unable to sleep, thus he threw on his team jacket, deciding to go for a walk. The blonde was sitting on a bench in the park, which Sakusa scrunched his nose to – it was definitely dirty – and facing the dark abyss, sprinkling with stars, eyes closed. Kiyoomi tilted his head in confusion, and quickly decided to go ahead and speak to him.

"Miya, it's three in the morning and your place isn't even near here." Sakusa stated. He didn't bother asking questions, Atsumu usually would have told him anyways, against his will. However, this time, it was different.

"I'm good, Omi-kun, just wanna clear my head." Atsumu sighed, opening his eyes but not turning to face Kiyoomi.

Atsumu was always good at hiding his true emotions, Every interview, every match, every photoshoot, he would plaster on a fake smile that he must have grown accustomed to. This time, the mask was cracked slightly. Kiyoomi could see the shimmer in his eyes and the clenching of his fists on his thighs, pain and despair radiating from the flaxen-haired setter.

"You're good at lying, Miya, but it's obvious right now." Sakusa frowned, walking up to stand in front of him.

Atsumu looked up at him, an eyebrow raised. The emotion Kiyoomi once saw from him disappeared, all evidence cleared as he rebuilt the mask that shields him from the world. He cracked a smirked and drawled, "Aww, is Omi-kun worryin' for me?"

Sakusa glared at him, eyes scouting him through before saying, "I don't care, Miya, but this better not be affecting your playing in the team next season." Spinning around, he headed back to his apartment, hearing a "We have a two months break!", before leaving Atsumu in the silence once again.

Atsumu watched the curly-haired man walk away, hands shoved into his pockets while hunched forward. He let out a sigh of relief, feeling the tension in his shoulders loosen slightly. He looked back up into the night, blinking back tears threatening to escape. He hid his feelings and emotions extremely well, but Sakusa was good at reading others. He saw right through Atsumu.

Atsumu shook his head in despair, gripping his thighs as he once again shut his eyes. He had been dating Shouyou, their newest member, since he arrived back to Japan after his trip to Rio for a few years. Shouyou had accepted Atsumu's confession quickly and had been dating for a few months now. They are used to staying over at each other's apartments and making love during those nights. They were completely happy and were accepted by everyone around them, including their fans.

It was a surprise to Atsumu when Hinata told him that they should end their relationship that day. They had been perfectly happy the past few months, Atsumu had thought, until Hinata mentioned he was still in love with his high school crush, Kageyama Tobio, the setter of their rival team, Schweiden Alders. Atsumu felt his world fall apart when Hinata mentioned the setter. When he masked his face with a fake smile and agreed to break it off with him, he realized how Hinata had never loved him in the first place, not even knowing when he had a fake face on.

He had afterwards rushed out of Hinata's apartment and chose to take a walk at a park that he knew was close to Sakusa's apartment. He never expected to meet the outside hitter, however, but was glad to see a familiar face during his on-going heartbreak.

He knew Sakusa was right, though. He couldn't let this breakup of theirs to affect the team's playing and coordination. He let out a groan, before pushing himself off the bench, heading to the train station.

Atsumu reached Osamu's place at half past 4 in the morning, using his spare keys to let himself in. Silently, he entered and put down his belongings, heading to the bathroom to wash up and most likely mope about in the showers.

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