C8: RR

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After the death of Rose, I decided to make myself active once in a while.


RR and I became so close and we became best buddies. He helps me in everything and he always takes care of me. He became my best buddy after Rose.

Sometimes other girls are bullying me because they think that RR and I are going out. It is true that RR and I are always going out but that is just normal within friends. It is just people misunderstood our relationship because RR is handsome and a jolly person, who wouldn't fall for him? But whether you believe it or not we are just friends.

After three months.

RR suddenly became sad and it is very  not like him. I don't want to see him like that. When I tried to talk to him he suddenly shudder. What seems to be the problem?

"What's wrong?" I sat next to him.

He looked at me, "BB can you come to my house tonight?" He asked.

I  wonder why? Although it is not right for a girl to be at a man's house at night, but RR is my friend.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

RR just looked at me with those taunting eyes. I can feel that he has a problem it might so deep that he doesn't want to talk about it just here.

He didn't answer my question therefore I just nod and agrees to his request. I failed to protect a friend before that's why I wouldn't do that again.

That night I called RR quietly and enter a hotel. Wait. What? Hotel?

What are we doing at a hotel?

I looked at RR and he didn't say a word but instead he entered the elevator. I followed him until we reach an automated door at the 29th floor of that hotel. Inside that place, it was empty and the only furniture it has is just a bed cushion and a TV on the floor. What kind of hotel room is this?

"Sorry BB, this is all I have. You can sit on the bed if you like." RR said with a gloomy face.

"Are you staying here alone?" I asked our of curiosity.

"Yes." He answered.

We know RR as a jolly person but his room is so opposite to his personality.

RR sat to the bed.

"BB I need your help. Do you trust me?" RR asked with a very gloomy face. "What I mean is, you don't have to agree now."

His hands are trembling and he clenched it. His question is so precise that you won't even know whether you have a right to say no.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I need you to be my girlfriend." He said straight forward.

My heart suddenly beats faster.

"What are you taking about?" I joked.

"I need you to be my girlfriend or at least pretend to be my girlfriend." He asked sincerely.

I paused. Why is he asking me to pretend his girlfriend?

"Why?" I asked.

"My father wants me to marry a man." He said.

I suddenly jolted out of the bed. Did I just hear him said that his father wants him to marry a man?

"Are you kidding me? Why would you father wants you to marry a man?" I was so surprised.

RR started to unbutton his clothes in front of me and I was struck seeing a binder around his chest. Wait.

Is RR a woman?

RR bravely removed his clothes in front of me and there is no doubt that the guy I thought who he is, is actually a girl. He. No. She couldn't looked at me straight in the eyes.

I stood up and gave her a hug. She cried back and keep asking me forgiveness. For me, RR is RR whether he is a girl or a man.

"Why did you dress like a man?" I asked her sincerely.

"I ran away from home because of this." She answered. "I pretended to be a man in able for my family not be able to find me. They wanted me to marry a man whom twice my age." She answered.

Now I understand. No girl would want to marry a guy twice her age. But how can I help her by just pretending to be her girlfriend.

"RR, how can I possibly help you? I mean being your... will pretending to be your girlfriend will help you?" I asked.

"I told my family that I am a lesbian and I couldn't marry a guy. They didn't believe me but if I show you to that guy he might change his mind." she said.

RR is one of my friend and is now my only best friend left. I failed to help Rose and this time pretending to be RR's girlfriend will save her future.

I agreed and RR is so thankful. I am glad to help a friend who is in need.

The next day, RR contacted her family and set up a dinner with them at a very expensive restaurant tomorrow. We need to prepare in able to make this mission to be success. I don't want my friend to marry a guy she doesn't love.

We went for shopping and rehearse our acting.

I decided to sleep over so that we cam plan properly.

I couldn't help myself to wonder why is there any furniture inside her room and why is she living alone in a hotel.

"RR is your name really Ryan?" I asked.

"Yes... my father named me because he couldn't accept that I am a girl. But I didn't hate him for that in fact I kinda like it." She answered.

"Why are you living in here? I also noticed that there is no much furniture." I asked again.

"This hotel is actually the only thing that my mother left for me. After my mother's death when I was young, father remarried into another family. He actually doesn't know about this. I think my mother foresee my future so she didn't include this hotel to the conjugal property after they get married. I chose it myself to stay in this less furniturr room since I actually like a minimalistic place. I usually eats at the lobby." She said.

"Rich kid!" I joked.

"Not really, I just owned this 5 star hotel, nothing much to brag." RR jokes.

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