thirty minutes of complete silence was when yoongi finally spoke when they stopped at a red light, "are we good? are you okay?" jurnee slowly turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow, "yeah, of course. why'd you ask?"

"it's too silent in here," yoongi said bluntly, "no music is even playing. what happened to you playing your little soundtrack you were gonna play?"

"oh," jurnee chuckled a little awkwardly, "i don't wanna distract you."

"you being silent is distracting me," yoongi said as the traffic light went from red to green, "don't have to be uncomfortable around me, love." yoongi didn't have to take his eyes off the road to know that jurnee was flustered. "you good?" was what he asked when he didn't hear anything from her.

"oh shut up," jurnee chuckled as she connected her iphone's bluetooth to his radio, "you're so cruel for that."

"i'm gonna have so much fun these couple of days bothering you."

jurnee only laughed as she pressed play on her playlist.

"are you sure you don't want anything from in here?" yoongi asked jurnee for the third time at the pit stop. they already used the bathroom. "we have two more hours to go and i would hate if you were to get too hungry." jurnee sighed, she didn't want to waste his money at all.

"i brought my own money with me," jurnee told him, "i'm going to cinnabon." before jurnee even took two steps away from him, yoongi held onto her wrist. "you don't have to spend your own money, jurnee." jurnee paused momentarily, kind of shocked at how suave yoongi was until she nodded. they both ordered the same thing: a medium lemonade with a box of cinnamon rolls. well, jurnee got the raspberry frozen lemonade and yoongi stuck with a classic lemonade. jurnee and yoongi sat at one of the tables at the pit stop only to eat and drink a little bit of what they got.

"thank you for paying for me," jurnee told him as soon as they were seated, "it means a lot to me." yoongi smirked at her, "me paying a measly eight pounds for you means a lot?"


they both laughed a little until yoongi cleared his throat, "well, you're welcome. i want this experience to be great for you. think of me as your tour guide while you're here." jurnee looked at yoongi with an amused expression, "you talk as if you own manchester. you don't even have an accent."

"i only moved here when i was thirteen," yoongi informed with a shrug, "i still own this shitshow of a city, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

jurnee was shocked, his english was good. she thought he had been born or at least a citizen since his baby years, "where were you born?"

"daegu, korea," yoongi shared with a small smile, "my dad and mom divorced. somehow my dad ended up getting a job offer in manchester. so here i am!"

"and your mom?"

yoongi grinned at the word mom which basically told jurnee everything she needed to know. yoongi loved his mother. "you could offer my mom all the money in the world," yoongi had stated, "but she'll never leave korea. her or my sister."

jurnee smiled at how happy yoongi was when he told his story, "sister?!"

yoongi chuckled, "yeah, gowon is your age. however she's been through a lot of shit, she likes to act older than she is. never really had a chance to enjoy her youth. i don't like talking about it."

"well, you love her a lot, i can tell." yoongi nodded before he took a sip of his lemonade, "i do. i'd go to war for her."

the two left the pit stop shortly after the conversation. they washed their hands from the sticky white glaze frosting. they carried the remaining cinnamon rolls and their drinks back to the car and they were back at it again. they were both more comfortable even if yoongi wanted to put a sock in jurnee's mouth to mute her obnoxious rapping to nicki minaj. jurnee would point out something outside every five minutes and it was adorable to yoongi. he could tell she hasn't been outside of london.

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