Chapter 1

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Bakugou POV (elementary school)

I sat at my desk messing around with my mechanical pencil. The constant laughter and conversations around me was good background noise since I was bored out of my mind. Thats when I heard the door open and our teacher walked in. She explained how we..had a new student. That's when I noticed someone was standing behind her. She stepped aside revealing a small black haired boy. "Everyone I would like you to say hello to Eijirou Kirishima". But he just stood there, the teacher tapped on his shoulder and he flinched. Thats when he reached in his backpack. He pulled out a small red notebook and flipped to a page turing it towards the class.

It read 'Hello my name is Eijirou Kirishima. And I can't hear. And if you would like to talk to me use this notebook". Small gasps and whispers started to fill the class. But I was just dumbfounded. And I'm pretty sure you could see the curiosity in my eyes. 'Holy crap' I thought. A bunch of students swarmed the new kid's desk writing down a bunch of questions. I was more annoyed then anything.
We were reading some dumb book in class today and the teacher was calling on different students to read different pages. Thats when she called on the new kid, he meekly stood up and began to read in a voice like broken glass. Snickers and giggles followed, That's when an idea crossed my mind. Once the teacher called me to read I stood up and started mimicking how the new kid read. Again snickers and giggles followed.

One day one of my mutual friends kaminari walked up to the new kid and noticed something in the new kids ears. The new kid let kami hold one of them and thats when another idea crossed my mind "Hey pikachu what are those toss em over here!". Surprisingly he obeyed tossing over a small device "Is that earwax. Thats disgusting!" I then hurled the small device out the window

No ones POV

From then on Bakugou would roll up sheets of paper to yell in Kirishimas ear. He would steal his hearing aids and throw them away or find a way to break them by either throwing them in the waterfountain or spraying him with a hose. Until one day he reached behind Kiri and ripped out his hearing aids rather harshly causing Kiri to yelp in pain and hold his ears. "Oh no he's bleeding" one of the students exclaimed. Bakugou was taken out of the classroom where his parents were then called. Kiri just sat there clutching his ears as they continued to ring

End of chapter 1

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