The Storm part 6

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Gavin picked up Sarah's car, carefully opened up the passenger side door with his index finger and thumb, Sarah covered her ears, getting ready to hear something break!! But so far she hadn't.

Gavin put his eye to the opened passenger door, to inspect the inside, than he opened up the the front engine door. He walked over to the drawer and got out a magnifying glass his size and put it over the tiny engine to look better at the dollhouse sized parts.

Sarah, looked up and up at him, she blurted out without thinking " PLEASE DON'T WRECK MY CAR, GAVIN, ITS THE ONLY CAR I HAVE!!! THATS MY FIRST ONE, MY DAD GOT IT FOR ME, IT MEANS A LOT !! Sarah covered her mouth in suprise at her sudden outburst. She looked up at Gavin, worried what he might do.

Gavin, said "hmmm, absent mindfully, intent on what he was doing, not exactly catching what she said. than it hit him, what she said, he looked down at Sarah, with a look of gentle amusement on his big face. He said "Don't worry, Sarah, I won't hurt your car, I'll be very, very extra careful with it" than he continued to look at the car with his magnifying glass. "I think I found out whats wrong with your car, dear" but my hands are way too big to touch the parts, I might do more harm than good, he said as he held up one of his humongous hands to show her. "Soooo, I'll instruct you on how to fix it"

When Sarah, heard this she got really neverous, because she didn't know anything about cars. She told Gavin this.

Gavin put her car down on the table beside her, and slowly crouched down in front of her, brought his face a few inches from hers, said 'No, need to worry, I'll coach you through it."

To Be Continued....

The Storm parts 1-3Where stories live. Discover now