part 1

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pov: melissa

i'm here in los angeles california with my dad. one of his friends gave him 2 tickets to some basketball game so we're going. I'm not really into basketball as much as football but he asked if i wanted to come with him so i said yes. 

the games now over so we're about to leave but this boy kind of gets next to me and stops me. i stopped and since the crowd was so big my dad didn't notice and he kept on walking. i look who it is and.. oh wow.. pretty sure that's bronny james.

bronny: i'm sorry to stop you i was just wondering what's your name? i'm bronny. bronny james

melissa: oh i'm melissa. melissa wise

bronny: well it's nice to meet you. i was actually wondering if i could get your snap or your number

melissa: oh yeah for sure. here i'll put my snap in your phone

so obviously i know who bronny is but I've never really payed too much attention to him. i don't follow him or anything but i know who he is and i know that he's pretty famous and i know that tons and tons of girls are obsessed with him so i was freaking out just a tad but i kept my cool.

bronny: thanks i will for sure text you

melissa: ok i gotta go though and find my dad

bronny: ok

i walked off and called my dad. he said he was at the bathrooms and he was waiting on me so i went to him and we drove back to our hotel room. while i was taking a shower i got a notification on my phone saying bronny added me. i waited till i was done and out of the shower before i added him back. he texted me soon after i added him.


bronny: hey it's me

melissa: hi bronny

bronny: so tell me 5 things about yourself. i wanna get to know you

melissa: alright well.. i have an older brother, i'm 14 years old, i will be a sophomore once school starts back up, andddd oh i play soccer

bronny: ok ok awesome. do you live here in los angeles?

melissa: oh, um actually no i don't. i live in missouri 

bronny: oh wow. that's far

melissa: i know i probably should've told you sooner. it's ok if you don't wanna talk anymore

bronny: why wouldn't i wanna talk? i think you're beautiful and i'm enjoying talking to you. i don't wanna stop just because you live far away. 

me and bronny continued talking. he's a super fun guy and i really enjoy talking to him but he is bronny james i mean he's very well known so i'm not gonna get ahead of myself. for all i know he could be a player, he could be lying about actually wanting to talk to me. i've been lied to way too many times i have bad trust issues so i'm just sit back and see what happens. 

he told me he wanted to meet somewhere like a coffee shop or something so we could talk, and then he said he wants to take me to some places around los angeles that he likes. i asked my dad and he said yes as long as bronny's mom or dad is there which works for me.

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