part 3

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bronny and his mom took me back to my hotel room where my dad was. i got everything packed up since we're leaving in the morning. a lot of people slid up on my story of that picture of me and bronny. i answered my 3 close friends first.

(group chat with emily, jada, and bri)

melissa: just to let y'all know me and bronny are talking but it's new and we're not going completely public until we've been dating. so i'm just telling everyone that we're friends so if anyone asks you guys just tell them that you don't know or that we're just friends

jada: ok. you're gonna get hate cause so many girls are obsessed with him

melissa: i know

emily: ok when are you coming i wanna hear about him lol

melissa: tomorrow but we can all hangout on monday if you want

bri: ok i can

emily + jada: ok

i am actually really nervous about being with bronny cause jada's right i will get so much hate. the other people that slid up on my story were half people i barely knew and half were friends.. but one was my ex..


our flight is at 12:30 so me and my dad went somewhere to get breakfast and then we headed to the airport. bronny came to say goodbye. i saw him and his dad and i waved him over to me and my dad.

melissa: hey, oh this is my dad, andrew

lebron: hey man, i'm lebron it's good to meet you (they shook hands)

andrew (dad.. i'm just gonna say dad so it's easier lol) : you too man

melissa: our flight boards in like 10 minutes

bronny: ok well when can i see you again

melissa: i don't know (looking at her dad then back at bronny) hopefully soon i mean it is summer we have a bunch of time

lebron: yeah for sure, we can fly out to y'all in maybe 2 or 3 weeks?

dad: yeah something like that might work. i'll talk to her mom about it but yeah.. if y'all are really okay with flying out just for the kids

lebron: oh yeah it's no trouble at all. it'll be fun

melissa: ok so like 2 weeks or so

bronny: yeah that works for me

we sat and talked for a bit but then they called our flight. bronny hugged me very tightly and he looked at his dad so his dad walked with my dad over a little ways away.

bronny: i promise i'll communicate with you like we talked about. i want us to work i really do like you. i'm gonna miss you (he hugged her again)

melissa: ok bronny and i'm gonna miss you too

bronny backed up from hugging me. he cupped my face with his hand while the other was resting on my waist. he leaned in slowly.. i put my hands on his chest as he kissed me slowly. our first kiss.. wow. we both pulled back then i pulled him closer with my hand on his shirt and kissed him again. we pulled away and he hugged me and kissed my forehead. now i'm only 5'2 and he's 6'2 sooo. we let go and i walked to my dad looking at bronny. lebron said bye to me and both of them walked off. he turned back and waved to me as he was walking away. wow. i really do like this boy. i hope we can make this work more than anything and this is going to be the longest 2 weeks of my life.

bronny jamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora