Chapter IV: Steel Ball Run

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Speedwagon wakes up before Jonathan and Erina, tied to a chair in a ship to America.

Speedwagon: "What in bloody hell am I here, for?!"

Jonathan: "Robert E.O. Speedwagon. Real name, Gyro Zeppeli, son of William Anthonio Zeppeli. A Spin-User."

Speedwagon: "Oi. Me personal information ain't to be given to self-indulgent boxer blokes like you."

Jonathan punches him in the face.

Speedwagon coughs.

Jonathan: "I am asking you for help, Speedwagon, to collect the Holy Corpse Parts by participating in the Steel Ball Run."

Speedwagon's eyes widen.

Speedwagon: "That race is for the greatest Hamon and Spin Users in the world! What makes you say that you can even enter to try and defeat Funny Valentine, the man who challenges Users from all over the world?!"

Jonathan: "I tell him my name."

Speedwagon: "The fuck?"

Erina: "Jonathan is the son of George Joestar, a student of the famous Zeppeli Clan."

Speedwagon: "I see. My family has something to do with a bloke like you."

Jonathan: "Why'd you leave your family, anyway, Speedwagon?"

Speedwagon: "None of ya business, ya twat."

Jonathan unties him.

Speedwagon: "How are you so sure I won't escape?"

Jonathan: "Because the prize for the race is something anyone would want. To achieve Heaven. I just need the Holy Corpse Parts to protect them from Dio."

Speedwagon: "You'd need to have a Guardian Spirit to be even worthy-..."

Jonathan releases a tiny pink Stand.

Vines then emerge from Erina's body

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Vines then emerge from Erina's body.

Vines then emerge from Erina's body

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