sugars and letting go !

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yoongi stops his movements as soon as he heard taehyung entering the karaoke room jennie is in.

letting go. it's hard. especially if you know you were there for her in the first place.

"yoongs!" jennie squeals hugging the pale man who's wearing a bored expression. "uh, get off me, you're invading my space!" yoongi groans, trying to get off of her hold but she hugs him tighter.

yoongi sighs and a smile creeps up onto his plump lips.

don't let go, jennie. he thinks.


"yoongi!!!" jennie shouts when she saw yoongi leaning on a wall. "hey," he coldly says. jennie went closer to him, leaning aswell. "did you miss me?"


"no." yoongi rolls his eyes. "not even a little?" jennie pouts, and yoongi shakes his head.

so much. i miss you so much jennie.


"yoongs, taehyung asked me out on a date! what should i wear?" jennie sips her coffee nervously. yoongi looks away from her, the jealousy steaming up on his heart.

"a funeral gown." he says, grabbing his coffee leaving jennie alone in the cafe.

they are bestfriends. yoongi knows that. but his heart beats for his bestfriend who's already in love with someone else.

yoongi is a great liar. he pretends to be annoyed whenever jennie's around. he pretends to be unhappy when he sees her. he pretends.

and maybe that's why jennie never sees him as anything else but her best buddy.

yoongi finally exits the bar, he fishes out his car keys, and went inside the parking lot.

and when he's in his car. the man leans his arms on the steering wheel before placing his head on top of it.

it hurts, yes. it hurts that jennie didn't notice his attraction for her. it's also hard for him because he needs to keep his feelings in whenever jennie is around taehyung or whenever she talks about him like he's the only man in the world.

like min yoongi doesn't exist in her life.

yoongi can still remember how this started. how taehyung and jennie started. taehyung and him are also best pals.

but, yoongi didn't know that tables will turn because just one look and jennie fell in love with taehyung.

whilst yoongi keeps looking at jennie for her to realize that he likes-- loves her so much.

more than taehyung could. more than anyone could.

but he sacrificed his happiness, for jennie's.

yoongi watched the couple together. being all sweet and stuffs like that. and he will only look at them boredly, pretending to be happy for them.

but he's not.

yoongi's in pain.

he told himself that he will get through it easily. but everytime he blinks and opens his eyes, what he sees is jennie.

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