Chp1: Years before the Nanite Event

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In this order: Rex, Six, Caesar


(Y/N)-your name
(F/I/C/F)-favorite ice cream flavor

"Now be nice okay (Y/N)?" Your dad thought that it would be a good idea for a small child like yourself to socialize with other children. So, he dropped you off at this small playground within the neighborhood. He was sitting on one of the benches, reading a newspaper with a cup of coffee in one of his hands.

It has already been five minutes and you are still standing on one side of the playground. Sure the other kids here look like good people but you're just that shy to talk to them. Another is, you were trying to choose someone you wanted to be friends first that is why it is taking you that long to move and communicate. With that many children, you have no idea who to talk to firs-


You fell face first on the ground. You even spat out some dirt that somehow went in your mouth. "Pwe!" You continued spatting. "Yuck!" Something hit you that hard at the back of your head. Your hands and knees got scraped a bit when you tried to stop yourself from hitting your head on the ground. You heard your dad shouted your name before running towards you and lifting you up. He dust off your clothes and asked what happened. You pointed at the soccer ball.

Footsteps were soon heard as you and your dad look at that direction to see a little boy and probably his mom. He looks at you with sadness in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry for hitting you. I didn't mean to..." His voice trail off as he looked down on his shoes with shame. "Tha-that's ok," You said with a smile. "I'm fine, see!" You made an even bigger smile.

"Let us clean and bandage those scrapes, ok?" His mom said while revealing a first aid kit from her back. She must have went to get it first before meeting with you and your dad. "Rex, come help me with her." The boy nodded. My dad lifted me towards the bench as they cleaned and bandaged you up. Once they were done, you smiled at them and said your thanks. "Oh yeah, my name's (Y/N)," you introduced yourself to the boy as you held out your hand. He smiled and scratched the back of his head. "I'm Rex." He replied before shaking your hand.

Eversince that day, you two would see each other here at the playground. Rex would also play soccer with you. He would even help you a bit.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He called you. You looked from your sandcastle which you are making in the sandbox. He was standing near an ice cream cart. "What ice cream flavor do you want?" He asked you. You put on your "thinking face" before replying. "(F/I/C/F)!" You shouted back at him. He gave you a thumbs up as you went back into making your sandcastle.

A few minutes later, he came back with two ice cream cones in his hands. He gave you yours as you both happily ate your ice creams. That is until...


A kid older than Rex hit his hand with the ice cream as it hit the ground. The older boy laughed and called Rex names and how his soccer skills were so bad. "What are you gonna do about it? Call your mommy? Wah! Wah!" He mocked him.

You looked at Rex as you see some tears brimming on his lower eyelids. You never wanted to see your friend sad, absolutely not because of a big jerk. "Hey!" You shouted at the big bully. He stopped laughing at Rex and turned to you. "Stop making my friend sad!" You shouted from your seat as you comforted Rex.

He laughed more hysterically and went forward to your face. "And what are you gonna do about it huh? Poobrain!" You gritted your teeth from his remarks before kicking him hard straight on the nose. He stumbled and sat down on the ground from the huge impact. He touched his nose before he winced in pain and started crying. "Mommy!" The big boy shouted. It made you roll your eyes. The irony.

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