Chapter 1: Deathsinger returns

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Zulius stepped back in shock, along with his surviving comrades.

The Deathsinger?? Here?? It's not possible

And yet it was. Ingressus had his Fire Sword raised, anticipating a fight. Tygren looked smug, seeing that Zulius doesn't want to fight. 

"Fall back, regroup!" commanded Zulius, and the remainders fled from Mount Velgrin, leaving the Deathsinger and the other surviving Voltaris in their dust. 




Senn struck out with his wooden sword, which Galleous sidestepped. Senn spun around and swipped at Galleous again, with him parrying the blow. they traded blows, until Senn falter and Galleous held his sword at his neck.

"Fairly good, Senn," Gallious commented. "Where did you learn first?"

"With Ria, in Sendaria, before Thalleous took me on our journey to hide a  Prime Song." Senn answered.

Galleous sighed. The young Ardonian found it dificult to let go of the past, sometimes going back to Thalleous's death. But it was best to dwell in the future, not the past.

"I think that'll be enough for today," he said, picking up some of the other weapons they had used. Senn nodded and helped pack up. they headed their way to the Blacksmith shop Galleous owned, where a light blue Sendaris waited. She held an elegant spear, which was dented and broken, with ash covering it's handle. Senn recognised her at once.

"Ria?!" Senn blurted out at the sight of his sister.

Ria turned around and gasped. she dropped her spear and dashed to Senn. They embraced for a long time, before they let go.

"I thought you were killed by the Voltaris," Senn said.

"We escaped, well, most of us, but we thought you died too," Ria explaimed.

"Who else made it out? Osivian? Your Brothers?"

Most of us, before the leader started killing everyone else who were too slow,"

Galleous sighed. "Siblings. they get so close," and he took the dropped spear and examined it. 

"Nice spear, young lady. by the looks of things, you killed a few Voltaris with this blade," He said

"it was made by Senn, and yes i did. the one who attacked me was HUGE! he came barreling at me with an axe, and i sidestepped and got him in the back as he charged by."

Galleous looked at Senn with admiration. "It's a fine blade, Senn. i bet you made other weapons as well,"

Senn nodded. "Thalleous also said it was a good blade, too,"

The sound of rushed hooves and shouting broke the silence. Senn looked down the side of the cliff to see Zulius and a few Ardonians from the Voltaris attack return. they looked scared, worried and exhausted. snippets of words rose from them as they past.

"Tygren...... past....... Deathsinger.........believe........died....'

At the word "Deathsinger," Senn froze. The Deathsinger was a fighter from the Great War, the leader of  the Voltaris from that time, also named Ingressus. But why did they mention him.

The 3 went down to meet the Kaltaris in the main part of Atteraxia. Galleous greeted the beaten Kaltaris and asked what had happened.

Zulius Kaltaris only said these words.

"Deathsinger has returned"

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