"Citizens of Roris, thank you for joining us today. These past months have been trying times for the city. Despite the brief relief we all felt with the victory of the war, tragedy has struck again. Four days ago, Lady Hope went missing. It is unclear if she left on her own accord or if she has been taken. Rest assured, we are using all of our resources to find her. If anyone has any information on her whereabouts, we urge you to step forward. My family and I are praying for the safe return of my bride-to-be and our future queen."

You've got to be kidding me. I went missing? I'm not sure where Alexander was four days ago, because it's pretty obvious he missed out on the whole kicking me out thing. What kind of sick joke is this...

I can't help but think this could be a trap. I've learned the hard way not to trust anyone, even those who claim they care about me. Is it possible that Alexander is trying to lure me back to the palace? My heart races at the thought he may want to punish me for a crime I didn't commit. Could he sink that low?

With the whole city looking for me, the Appleton's is the safest place I can be right now. If Alexander is truly searching for me, and this isn't all a show for the city, I have no doubt he will check my family's home. It's best to keep them out of this for as long as possible.

When I'm about to walk away, Alexander speaks again.

"With Lady Hope missing, the wedding will obviously be postponed. However, under the added stress of the new situation, my father, King Robert, has decided to step down from the throne. The coronation will be held in two weeks time. I hope with all of my heart that Lady Hope will be home safely before then, but if necessary, we will proceed without her."

Angrily, I rip the TV down from the wall, watching it smash onto the floor. Of course. This is all a ploy for Alexander to get the throne quicker. The sooner he is in complete power, the sooner he will have the undeniable right to do whatever he pleases with me. Be it death or life in a cell, I know it won't be pleasant. I never should have fallen for his tricks.

Staring down at my hand, my sapphire engagement ring shines in the afternoon light. Taking a deep breath, I ignore my tears and slide the ring off of my finger. All it represents now is lies and broken promises.

Carefully, I slip the ring onto the chain around my neck, discarding the charm that previously occupied it. Although I may not want to wear the ring anymore, I'll keep it as a sign of Alexander's betrayal. Because that's exactly what this has turned into.

I have no doubt that Alexander loves me. Somewhere in his twisted mind, he feels the same about me as I do about him. But after everything that has happened, his love for me has been buried deep. Hatred and revenge has taken its place, and I will not fall for the sob story he gave to the city. Alexander is an enemy now. Added to my long list of those before him.

This journey is my own now. I'll face my challenges alone and celebrate when they pass. And I will get my happy ending, one way or another. I'll make sure of that.

I am a crossbreed, turned pureblood. I hold more power than millions of people. I have the strength and courage to overcome anything. Nothing will defeat me. I will rise above everything.

Repeating those words over and over again in my mind, I make my way back to John's old bedroom. Sitting on the bed again, I pull his journal into my lap and begin my search. Finally, I find a passage that seems important.

Miranda Greene. She is the one who will bare my child. For years, I've searched for the perfect human woman. Miranda is strong, hard-headed, and beautiful. My child will carry the same traits, and combined with my strength and immortality, will be the perfect crossbreed. When the time comes, I will turn them. Finally, the chance will be mine to watch the kingdom fall. The Blackwood family has had their time, and now the Casper's will have ours.

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